Chapter 136 What Are You Doing?
"Flame fruit is a fourth-grade medicinal material, and its medicinal effect is too strong. It can be replaced by second-grade firework grass, and the medicinal effect is milder..." Muttering this sentence, Ye Qianyue used more second-grade medicinal materials, Replace those precious high-grade medicinal materials one by one.

At the same time, a lot of medicinal herbs that are gentle and qi-boosting were added. Ye Qianyue's dark eyes were filled with a serious look, and she calculated the balance point among the medicinal herbs with precision.

It's not that random mixing together can make potions, if it's that simple, anyone can create potions.

After refining the potion for such a long time, Ye Qianyue has already discovered some clues.

The fusion of all medicines has a balance point, as long as this balance point is reached, then the medicine is successfully refined.

Conversely, if the balance point cannot be reached, then no matter how hard you refine it, what you refine will be just a ball of medicinal liquid, which is also full of violent energy, which can cause people to explode and die if you are not careful, making anyone I dare not drink it.

Fortunately, Ye Qianyue was a transforming human being in her previous life, and what she was best at was this kind of precise calculation.

Devoted wholeheartedly, Ye Qianyue didn't even notice the passage of time.

Soon, she barely found a balance point, Ye Qianyue's eyes lit up, and without hesitation, she activated her thoughts, and quickly heated the medicine cauldron.

Almost unable to hold back her excitement, Ye Qianyue's spiritual power gushed out like a tide, quickly enveloping the flames within, suppressing the terrifying temperature.

The medicinal materials were then thrown into the medicinal cauldron, and quickly refined to produce the purest essence.

The speed is extremely fast, and Ye Qianyue, who has found the balance point, refines like a fish in water, and her smooth movements are comparable to that of a master-level alchemist.

On the way, several mistakes were made and some herbs were destroyed, but this not only did not discourage Ye Qianyue, but instead made her more frustrated and courageous, causing a smile to appear on her lips.

Concentrating on refining, Ye Qianyue didn't realize that her every move had been completely peeped by outsiders.

"Master Nan, you, what are you doing?" Looking at the old man who was lying on the crystal wall, wanting to rush in directly, the attendant of the Alchemist Guild expressed a lot of pressure.

The whole person was glued to the crystal wall, and Nanfeng's shrewd old eyes stared at Ye Qianyue in the secret room, with an excited expression on his face, "Amazing! This little girl is really good, eh? Don't, don't, don't raise the temperature." Ah! Look, the good medicinal materials have been burned to ashes by you!"

While watching, he was still anxious, the excited appearance of the old man Nanfeng made the attendants on the side full of surprise.

The old man Nanfeng seldom came to the alchemist guild, and he only came to ask for medicinal materials once he appeared, and he would leave as soon as he came. Why is he so interested in a junior's alchemist's alchemy today?

I don't know if it was because the old man Nanfeng's eyes were too hot or too annoying, but when Ye Qianyue felt that gaze, she accidentally burned the valuable medicinal material in the medicine cauldron.

The eyebrows were raised high like a sharp scimitar, Ye Qianyue looked displeased, and looked at the old man Nanfeng who was lying on the crystal wall with his whole face squeezed and distorted.

Who is this old guy?Why are you so annoying!

What a pharmacist hates the most is being disturbed when refining medicine. Once disturbed, the failure of refining is very small. If there is a disorder of thought power or mental power, even his life will be lost!

(End of this chapter)

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