The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 139 Guyuan Potion, Successfully Refined

Chapter 139 Guyuan Potion, Successfully Refined

Without even thinking about it, Ye Qianyue suppressed the temperature of the flame with her spiritual power, and Ye Qianyue finally understood how powerful this old guy in front of her was!

To be able to directly talk to oneself with the spirit, what a powerful spiritual force it must be!

"Concentrate, you must have no other distractions when refining medicine." As if sensing the thoughts in Ye Qianyue's heart, Nanfeng's slightly stern voice also sounded in Ye Qianyue's mind.

Xin said that the old man really regarded herself as his apprentice, although Ye Qianyue didn't want to admit it, but she couldn't stop Nanfeng from continuing to talk to her in her mind.

My spiritual strength is far inferior to Nanfeng's. If I resist forcefully, I might seriously injure myself. Anyway, he is helping me, so I accept it obediently.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue concentrated again, using a small fire to roast the rock water chestnut flower.

It didn't stop Ye Qianyue from refining medicine, Nanfeng just gave a reminder at the most error-prone place, making Ye Qianyue's hesitant movements smoother.

If Ye Qianyue's most outstanding feature is perfection and delicacy, then this is also her shortcoming.

Because what she is after is the most perfect thing, Ye Qianyue will inevitably think too much.

And Nanfeng's words were to get rid of her thinking and make her refine the potion according to her instinct.

Seeing that Nanfeng didn't seem to help her much, but Ye Qianyue knew that every time Nanfeng opened his mouth, he picked the right timing, not much more than one second, and not much less than one second!
Such superb control of time must have astonishing spiritual power!
Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue's refining movements became smoother.

Because of Nanfeng's help, although Ye Qianyue created the potion for the first time, it was very smooth.

After listening to Nan Feng's words and changing a few herbs, Ye Qianyue spent a whole day refining it successfully.

Tired and dizzy, almost fainting, Ye Qianyue rubbed her temples, frowning and enduring the bouts of dull pain.

Ye Qianyue had been refining the medicine for a while, and Ye Qianyue knew that it was due to the consumption of too much spiritual power.

However, there was no trace of fatigue in Ye Qianyue's eyes, but joyful light dancing instead.

His dark eyes locked on the emerald-like liquid in the medicine cauldron, and a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Quickly took the liquid out of the medicine cauldron and put it in five jade bottles before Ye Qianyue let out a long breath.

"The potion refined to consolidate the source of thought power and increase the speed of cultivation, let's call it Guyuan potion..." After naming the potion she created, Ye Qianyue finally relaxed.

While relaxing, the dull pain that almost made people faint came over more violently.

He managed to stabilize his figure, and when Ye Qianyue's vision was blurred, she saw Nanfeng handing her a bottle of potion.

"Here, take it. Although it's not a high-level potion, it can restore your spiritual power." Saying this, Nan Feng's eyes were beating with shrewd light.

Being able to create potions by himself as a second-rank pharmacist, with such strength, can already be called a third-rank pharmacist!

Never seen such a young third-grade pharmacist before, Nan Feng's eyes were fiery, and he was more and more sure that he wanted to accept this disciple!
(End of this chapter)

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