Chapter 141 I want to stay here
Anyway, knowing that these alchemists have always been weird, the attendants couldn't control so many at the moment, and quickly arranged a good room for Nanfeng, then retreated.

I didn't know that Nanfeng was completely dependent on her, Ye Qianyue held the Guyuan medicine in her hand, and she was very happy.

As long as you absorb the medicinal power of Guyuan Potion on time every day, you can speed up your cultivation. This kind of good thing is something that others can't ask for.

"Go back and try it first. If it works for me and Si Linyuan, then give some to my second brother." Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue's steps became much faster.

But at this moment in Ye Qianyue's room is another scene.

I saw that Si Linyuan had changed out of the long skirt and was wearing a gorgeous and expensive robe. He was cold and proud, handsome as a god, sitting on his seat.

With long black hair casually scattered behind him, Si Linyuan was like a mandala in the dark night, from his appearance to his aura, it was a fatal temptation.

So perfect, Si Linyuan pursed his slender lips lightly, his gilt eyes were piercing, and he didn't even look at the man in black kneeling at his feet.

The man in black was masked, making it impossible to see his appearance, but he had a strong breath, and one could tell that he was not someone to be taken lightly.

However, such a strong man didn't dare to have any temper, he knelt obediently in front of Si Linyuan, holding his breath, for fear that his actions would offend Si Linyuan and make him unhappy.

For a long while, Si Linyuan was just drinking tea without any movement.

Finally, the man in black was the first to be unable to restrain himself, and opened his mouth very carefully, "Master, please forgive me for the late rescue. Now that the matter has been mostly resolved, those people still refuse to give up chasing and killing the master. Forgive me for speaking bluntly, it is too dangerous for the master to stay here, please go back with the subordinate as soon as possible!"

Hearing this, Si Linyuan finally had a little reaction.

Gently put down the tea bowl in his hand, Si Linyuan's gilt eyes danced with a cold light, "I want to stay here."

Unexpectedly, Si Linyuan would say such a thing, the man in black was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly said, "Master, you have been seriously injured, you should be treated quickly, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, how about it?" said coldly, Si Linyuan interrupted the man in black, and raised the corners of his lips in disdain, "Qianying, do you think this deity will die under the hands of those scumbags?"

The words that he spoke were all covered with a layer of ice, and the murderous intent spread out, making Qianying shudder in fear, "This subordinate dare not, please forgive me, master!"

"If that's the case, then there's nothing more to say." Si Linyuan said in a calm tone without any emotion, "I want to stay here."

Seeing Si Linyuan's calm expression, Qianying's eyes widened with astonishment.

Having understood the cause and effect, Qianying originally thought that Si Linyuan bowed down out of desperation, but now it seems that things are not that simple!
Looking at the unique big bed in that room, many thoughts suddenly popped up in Qianying's mind.

At this moment, Si Linyuan was also cold, and cast a look at Qianying.

Instantly alerted, Qianying didn't dare to think again, "This subordinate understands, but please ask the master to allow the subordinates and others to stay by the master's side to protect the safety of the master."

 For God's sake, you don't vote or leave a message, Fei'er feels bitter, let Fei'er see your existence~~
(End of this chapter)

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