The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 143 I like bullying the weakest.

Chapter 143 I like bullying the weakest.

There are five people in the team of the Empire on which the sun never sets. Apart from Ye Qianyue, Gu Rong, and Xuanyuan Lang, there are two other alchemists from the Imperial Academy. The male is Ling Feng and the female is Huayue.

Ye Qianyue was used to being alone, so after checking in at the inn, she and Xiao Hei stayed in the room to read and rarely went out.

She didn't bring Si Linyuan with her when she came here this time, because Si Linyuan seemed to be busy with her own affairs, so she didn't force her to follow her.

Today, the sun is warm and cloudless, which is a good day for traveling.

Ye Qianyue decided to go out to the inn for a stroll, and just as she walked out of the room, she heard arguing from the first floor.

Going downstairs, she saw Huayue surrounded by several people, her cute little face was flushed red, her eyes were round, as if she was about to be blown up.

Ye Qianyue had met those people before, and Gu Rong had told her that they all had wrists wrapped around them.The blue ribbon around it is the symbol of Moonset Empire, Fengyun Academy.

Ye Qianyue originally didn't like to meddle in other people's business, and Ye Qianyue didn't intend to join in the fun, but when she just walked next to Huayue, she heard the people around her say arrogantly, "You guys from the Imperial Academy where the sun never sets They are all useless, including your mentor Gu Rong! Every year you are at the bottom of the alchemist competition, and you still have the face to participate, which shows that your skins are really thick!"

After finishing speaking, several people from Fengyun College surrounded Huayue and burst into laughter.

She stopped suddenly, and Ye Qianyue's eyes became cold.

She doesn't sympathize with the weak, if Huayue is bullied by these people because of her weakness, she will not care, but these people are mocking Gu Rong and Imperial College openly here, which is unacceptable to her.

At this time, Huayue saw Ye Qianyue, and a strangeness flashed across her eyes.

She has long heard that Ye Qianyue is the brightest new star in Imperial Academy, and the number one genius in the entire empire on which the sun never sets. She got close, but was always rejected by her coldness.

"Qianyue..." Huayue yelled in embarrassment. She had been humiliated by these people for a while, and no one came to rescue her. Only when she met Ye Qianyue did she feel that she could be relieved.

But Ye Qianyue didn't even look at Huayue, her cold gaze went straight to the person who insulted Gu Rong just now.

Judging from his appearance, he is about seventeen or eighteen years old, he wears gorgeous clothes, and has good features, but there is a kind of villain's calculation in the eyebrows, which makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

And the other people in Fengyun Academy seem to be headed by him, which shows that his identity and strength should be extraordinary.

When this person came into contact with Ye Qianyue's icy three-foot gaze, his heart skipped a beat, and he even felt a little bit of fear.

But immediately he suppressed the fear in his heart again, glared at Ye Qianyue fiercely and said, "You are also a waste material that never sets? See what I am doing? Be careful that I will beat you all over the floor. "

It has been a long time since no one dared to provoke Ye Qianyue in public like this. Huayue looked at the slight smile on the corners of Ye Qianyue's lips, and felt a cold current suddenly hit her. The person who looked at him felt that the end of this person would be very tragic.

Although Ye Qianyue didn't know that person, Huayue did. She had met him in the last alchemist competition. He was the first genius of Fengyun Academy, named Liu Yasuo, with an arrogant and domineering personality. , is cunning, and likes to bully the weak most.

(End of this chapter)

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