Chapter 145 Runaway Fire Qilin

Nowadays, although Ye Qianyue is not as good at refining elixir, overall it is not bad.

As long as the spiritual power is strong enough, according to Ye Qianyue Nianling's peak strength, in such a short period of time, at most she can become a third-rank junior pharmacist.

However, her current level is far more than that...

She doesn't want to expose her true strength so quickly, Ye Qianyue mainly depends on the opponent's strength, otherwise, she always likes to hide some strength deeply and use it as her hole card.

But when Ye Qianyue was thinking about the refining method of the medicine, a panicked cry came from not far away.

"Run, the monster is gone!" Hearing this, Ye Qianyue subconsciously touched the scepter on her finger.

Xiao Hei has eaten a lot of medicinal materials in the scepter, and now he has fallen into a deep sleep for self-cultivation, so it cannot be it.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue turned her head coldly, and in the distance, she saw a giant flame beast as tall as an adult man.

A deep thunderous roar accompanied by anger continued, making Ye Qianyue's eardrums ache a bit.

Staring at a pair of deep amber eyes like copper bells, the flaming monster was covered with blood-red dragon scales, with a dragon head and a deer body, and a long tail stretched out like a dragon tail. Passers-by knocked to the ground!
Apparently it was extremely angry, the flaming beast opened its fierce red mouth and roared, scaring passers-by like birds and beasts to scatter wildly.

Raising her eyebrows and looking at the rampage of the monster, Ye Qianyue immediately recognized the monster.

The auspicious beast, the fire unicorn, is three meters tall when fully grown. Although the one in front of him is mighty, it is obviously just a cub of the fire unicorn.

Speaking of this fire unicorn is also the top existence among the fire monsters, plus it is a wise monster, it has always been cherished, even in the deep mountains and old forests, it is rare to see.

And when Ye Qianyue was looking at the Huo Qilin, the Huo Qilin obviously discovered her existence.

There was a gleam of coldness in the amber eyes, and Huo Qilin suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Roar!" As if stepping on flames under his feet, Huo Qilin roared angrily at Ye Qianyue, obviously telling her to get out of the way.

Originally, she didn't like to meddle in such nosy matters. Although Ye Qianyue knew that the Huo Qilin was a good thing, she also knew that there must be a lot of power behind it to get someone who cherishes the beast so much.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue had already stepped aside.

It's not that she is cowardly, but that she really doesn't want to make trouble for nothing.

Seeing Ye Qianyue get out of the way, Huo Qilin was about to escape, but a bright blue chain came out of nowhere, wrapping around its neck fiercely.

"Hey, hey--!" He didn't know what material the chain was made of, but the moment Huo Qilin was caught, he fell heavily to the ground.

Still struggling frantically, Huo Qilin kept roaring, but still couldn't break free from the chain.

"Lock it! Don't let it escape!" The owner of the chain is a middle-aged man in a white robe. This middle-aged man doesn't look weak, and he can hold this big fire unicorn by himself.

How could the middle-aged man get his wish, Huo Qilin roared and twisted his neck fiercely.

Just when the two sides were at a stalemate, Ye Qianyue discovered some clues.

(End of this chapter)

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