Chapter 152
"Accept it. If you don't accept it, I will directly seal you to trap your spiritual power. Let's see how you can go to the conference!" Unhappy looking up, Nan Feng said word by word.

She was almost defeated by this old rascal. Ye Qianyue had been with Nanfeng for such a long time, and she already knew this guy's temperament.

If you don't accept it, this old guy will really seal her spiritual power.

Gu Rong's mental strength is no match for Nanfeng, if this old guy is really messed up, she will have a hard time dealing with it.

Forget it, just take it if you accept it, at worst she doesn't move anything.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue had no choice but to accept it.

"Okay, after accepting what you have as a teacher, you will become a teacher, my dear disciple, you can't go back on your word!" Seeing Ye Qianyue accepting it, Nanfeng patted her on the shoulder and said nothing. Don't talk about it, and don't leave Ye Qianyue a little time to react.

Seeing Nanfeng turn over the window and leave, Ye Qianyue reached out and rubbed her forehead, feeling a real headache.

I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse for her, but why did she end up with such a difficult old guy!
Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue couldn't afford to waste any more time, so she walked out of the room quickly.

Outside the room, Gu Rong and the others were already waiting for her.

"Qianyue, you are really saving face. Teacher Gurong is afraid that you are cultivating, so he doesn't even want us to disturb you, so let us wait here obediently." The tone was very sour, Huayue still didn't forget to rush Ye Qianyue sneered.

Without even looking at Huayue, Ye Qianyue didn't want to argue with such a sour woman.

"Sorry teacher, I took a long time to prepare." Ye Qianyue just apologized to Gu Rong, and Ye Qianyue didn't care what other people thought.

"It's okay, let's go." Naturally, he didn't mind this, Gu Rong smiled.

Following at the end, Xuanyuan Lang looked at Ye Qianyue's handsome smiling face and clenched his fists tightly under his sleeves.

His eyes were full of resentment, but Xuanyuan Lang put on a warm smile when Gu Rong looked back at him, "It's getting late, Teacher Gu Rong, let's go quickly."

Naturally, he won't be humiliated by Ye Qianyue's side again, Xuanyuan Lang has learned to be smart.

Hearing the words and nodding, Gu Rong brought Ye Qianyue and the others to the competition venue of the Alchemy Conference quickly.

Although the participants of this alchemy conference are only some students of the college, these alchemists are all rising stars in the alchemy world, so they also attracted many forces and families to watch, so that they can use the best The fastest speed to recruit the most outstanding alchemist.

Alchemists are as rare as animal trainers. If a young and promising alchemist can be hired, it will be a good thing for any force.

The vast square is built in a concave shape, with a huge platform in the center, and there are countless medicine platforms on the platform, which are obviously used for refining by those contestants.

Surrounding it were three floors of stone seats going upwards, which were filled with countless spectators at the moment. From a distance, they were crowded with people, one next to the other, which was very spectacular.

And right in front of the stage is a judging platform with nine seats, and no one is seated yet.

In particular, there is an extraordinarily gorgeous seat next to the nine seats. I don't know who it is for.

Although the competition hadn't started yet, the surrounding area of ​​the competition platform was already crowded with people, and some people had no seats, so they had to stand behind and watch.

(End of this chapter)

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