The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 162 The Finals Officially Begin

Chapter 162 The Finals Officially Begin

Looking at Xuanyuan Lang, Ye Qianyue said coldly, "What did you do?"

I don't believe that Xuanyuan Lang will do nothing, Ye Qianyue has long known that Xuanyuan Lang is a person who must report his flaws!
"If I really did something wrong, you would have found out just now. Since you didn't find anything, don't misunderstand my kindness." Xuanyuan Lang said with indifference, but there was nothing wrong on his face. He was so angry that he just gave Ye Qianyue a cold look and left.

"Qianyue, is there really no problem with this thing?" Gu Rong asked, also knowing that Xuanyuan Lang had bad intentions.

"I've checked, and it's really not there." Ye Qianyue looked at Xuanyuan Lang's leaving back as she said.

Could it be that she was careless and wronged Xuanyuan Lang?
"This competition not only represents the academy, but also represents a country. After all, Xuanyuan Lang is also the prince of the empire on which the sun never sets. He should not do anything that would damage the reputation of the empire." Bai Cheng said immediately.

Feeling that what Baicheng said made sense, Ye Qianyue packed her things and quickly returned to the inn.

After casually eating something to fill her stomach, Ye Qianyue returned to her room.

As soon as she entered the door, Ye Qianyue welcomed Nanfeng's hug.

"My dear student, your performance today is really great~" With a bright smile on his face, Nan Feng was about to give Ye Qianyue a big hug, but Ye Qianyue gave her a merciless hug. push away.

"You old guy, how long have you been lying in ambush here?" Before entering the door, she could feel the breath of Nanfeng, otherwise Ye Qianyue might really be hugged by the old guy Nanfeng.

"Don't talk nonsense, come on, drink this!" Nan Feng poured down the medicine in his hand for Ye Qianyue.

The familiar cool feeling immediately flowed through the whole body, making Ye Qianyue feel very familiar.

"Why did you give me the potion to restore my spiritual power again?" Frowning and looking at Nanfeng, Ye Qianyue almost wanted to roll her eyes at this old guy.

This kind of potion is very precious, most people can't see it, this Nanfeng is good, I give her a few bottles from time to time, do you really think this potion is sugar water?
"Hey, in this little time, you can't fully restore your spiritual power. What can you do if you don't have enough spiritual power to refine medicine?" Nanfeng looked at Ye Qianyue with a smile, "Okay, I I won't bother you anymore, Teacher Wei is leaving now, you have to work hard this afternoon, don't embarrass Teacher Wei!"

After finishing speaking, Nanfeng flipped the window and left with ease.

Looking at Nan Feng's leaving back, Ye Qianyue didn't even have time to stop him.

"I want him to help me see if there is any error in the magic core essence. This old guy can run fast enough." Frowning helplessly, Ye Qianyue suppressed her impetuous mood and sat cross-legged on the bed.

Cultivation handprints formed on her hands, and Ye Qianyue was like a sponge, frantically absorbing the energy of the surrounding world.

Refining medicine requires not only huge spiritual power, but also mental power to support it. Ye Qianyue consumed a lot of refining the medicinal materials for five hours in a row.

Thinking about it, Ye Qianyue calmed down her mind even more, and seriously recovered her thoughts...

Time flies, the sun is shining in the afternoon, and the finals officially begin!
They all have already decided on the potions they want to refine, and everyone has even done the step of refining, and most of them start to fuse directly.

(End of this chapter)

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