The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 172 Why is His Royal Highness leaving in such a hurry

Chapter 172 Why is His Royal Highness leaving in such a hurry

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"I just came here, why is His Royal Highness leaving in such a hurry." The girl's voice was elegant and beautiful, although it was filled with a touch of awe, it was still beautiful.

Hearing this familiar voice, Xuanyuan Lang's complexion suddenly turned pale, and then through the window, he saw a huge fireball rushing towards the thatched cottage where he was!
Jumping out of the thatched hut without thinking, Xuanyuan Lang heard a loud noise coming from behind him!
"Ah!!" Accompanied by the screams from his subordinates, Xuanyuan Lang looked in horror at the thatched cottage that had been burned to ashes, his face was so pale that there was no blood at all.

Looking up at the woman in the sky, Xuanyuan Lang's eyes were full of horror.

I saw Ye Qianyue's fiery red dress riding sideways on Huo Qilin's body, her beautiful face was full of arrogance and sternness.

There was a burning cloud like a flame behind her, and Ye Qianyue stared at Xuanyuan Lang coldly, condescendingly, as if she was looking at an ant!
Never seen Ye Qianyue look so indifferent and cold, Xuanyuan Lang only felt the breath of death permeating around him, making the hairs on his back stand on end.

"Roar!!" There was a mad roar, Huo Qilin's dark amber eyes were full of tyranny, it seemed that as long as Ye Qianyue gave an order, it would rush up and tear Xuanyuan Lang into pieces!

"You, you actually became a beast tamer!" Xuanyuan Lang's eyes were filled with horror after saying this in disbelief.

Without answering Xuanyuan Lang's question, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes glowed with a faint silver-white cold light, and she said in a cold tone, "Xuanyuan Lang, it's time to end the grievances between us."

"Ye Qianyue, I am the crown prince of the empire on which the sun never sets. If you kill me, my father will definitely not let you go!" Feeling the murderous aura around Ye Qianyue, Xuanyuan Lang gritted his teeth and squeezed out this In a word.

"Fortunately, you are still the prince of a country. When something happens, you only know to move out your own father. You are so useless, and you don't feel ashamed to say it." With a sneer, Ye Qianyue stared at Xuanyuan Lang condescendingly.

Without the support of his father and grandfather, Xuanyuan Lang, the crown prince, would die sooner or later. Xuanyuan Lang should know this better than her.

As if being poked into a sore spot, Xuanyuan Lang's eyes were full of ferocious murderous intent. After glaring at Ye Qianyue angrily, he suddenly calmed down.

Changing his expression almost as if changing his face, Xuanyuan Lang stared at Ye Qianyue earnestly with a full face of affection, "Qianyue, we had a marriage contract after all, why do you have to push so hard?"

Coming out of the ring of the scepter, Xiao Hei stood on Ye Qianyue's shoulder, and the first sentence he heard was Xuanyuan Lang's words.

"Meow." The disgust that only humans can show suddenly appeared on the small face, and Xiao Hei rubbed against Ye Qianyue, obviously thinking that Xuanyuan Lang at this moment was very ridiculous.

Also a little surprised, Ye Qianyue didn't expect that Xuanyuan Lang was still playing emotional cards with him at this time.

Such a man is really stupid.

Unable to see the sneer in Ye Qianyue's eyes, Xuanyuan Lang continued to say affectionately, "The things in the past were all my faults. You liked me so much before, why couldn't you forgive me once? As long as you are willing Forgive me, I can assure you that I will only have you as a woman from now on, I will make you my queen, and let our child become the future king of the empire on which the sun never sets!"

Having said that, Xuanyuan Lang's eyes glowed coldly, and the ring in his hand glowed with bursts of light...

(End of this chapter)

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