Chapter 176 The Dying Man
Naturally, upon hearing Xuanyuan Lang's questioning, Ye Qianyue sneered disapprovingly, "You're going to die soon, so there's no need to know so much."

The hairs on his back stood on end, and Xuanyuan Lang rushed towards him directly after watching Ye Qianyue say this.

It was not as slow as before at all, Ye Qianyue at this moment was extremely fast, and she came in front of Xuanyuan Lang like a shooting star.

I have never seen such a fast mind-spiriting expert. After all, Xuanyuan Lang has seen the world, so he immediately guessed what special skills Ye Qianyue had learned!
Just as Xuanyuan Lang had guessed, Ye Qianyue was able to possess such terrifying speed precisely because of the volume of skills given by the dean of the study.

His own strength is not as good as Ye Qianyue, and Xuanyuan Lang is no match for this terrifying speed.

He could only watch the scepter burning with terrible flames in Ye Qianyue's hand hit his body continuously, Xuanyuan Lang resisted weakly, but he still couldn't avoid being burned all over his body.

"Heiyun Beast, come back!" Seeing Ye Qianyue release a fireball from the scepter in Ye Qianyue's hand, Xuanyuan Lang screamed in fright.

"Jie——!" The Heiyun Beast, which was injured by the fire unicorn, rushed back without hesitation, then turned into smoke, and firmly blocked the fiery fireball.

Accompanied by the scorched sound of '嗤嗤嗤', the Heiyun Beast let out a scream from its throat, and the smoke around it quickly disappeared, its figure flashed, and it hit the ground fiercely.

"Jie! Jie Jie——!" Rolling on the ground crazily, the black cloud beast opened its huge mouth, revealing its white and irregular teeth, and screamed uncontrollably.

Finally seeing the appearance of Heiyun Beast clearly, Rao Ye Qianyue's concentration could not help but frown.

I saw that the Heiyun Beast was about the size of a ten-year-old child, with long legs and a short body, and countless dark purple sarcoids all over its body.

The chest has been burned by the fireball, and the face of the black cloud beast is also covered with terrible scars. Only one scarlet eye is squinting in pain, and it looks very scary and hideous!
Even Xiao Hei on one side was terribly frightened, thinking in his heart that some kind of animal was raised by some kind of person.

"Heiyun Beast, cover me to leave!" Xuanyuan Lang gave the order without thinking, and turned to leave.

"But, but master, this way, this way I will die..." Before he could speak well, the voice of the Black Cloud Beast was like sharp stones passing across the glass, sharp and unpleasant.

"Stop talking nonsense, or I'll kill you right now!" Xuanyuan Lang glared coldly at Heiyun Beast, turned around and left.

"Huo'er, stop him!" With a cold shout, the spiritual power between Ye Qianyue's eyebrows surged out like a spring, turning into countless silk threads, and entangled the black cloud beast fiercely.

"Jie—!" With a shrill scream, the Black Cloud Beast is Ye Qianyue's opponent, and it has no power to resist at the moment, and can only watch those silver-white spiritual powers crazily penetrate into him In the body, he frantically moved towards the direction where his magic core was.

Immediately understanding Ye Qianyue's intentions, the Black Cloud Beast struggled frantically, and spit out a mouthful of black mist towards Ye Qianyue.

The expression on the face didn't change, Ye Qianyue's body was full of flames, burning up the black mist, and at the same time, she reached out and took out a black crystal from the body of the black cloud beast.

 Please ask for a ticket and a reward, if there is a reward, it will be updated later~
(End of this chapter)

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