The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 188 The Old Man Will Leave You A Whole Corpse

Chapter 188 The Old Man Will Leave You A Whole Corpse

The scorched black powder fluttered with the wind, with a hint of eerie and weirdness, but it didn't move Ye Qianyue in the slightest.

Looking at Ye Qianyue surrounded by flame snakes, all the imperial guards present were afraid, and looked at the people around them hesitantly, not daring to step forward again.

At this moment, Ye Qianyue is like a killing god from hell. As long as someone dares to stand in front of her, she will use the most ruthless means to take that person's life!

Looking at Ye Qianyue's beautiful face, a piercing fear rose in the hearts of everyone present.

"Sister!" At this moment, an anxious and hoarse call came, making Ye Qianyue's eyes brighten up.

Seeing a small figure breaking through the encirclement of the Imperial Forest Army and rushing towards her, Ye Qianyue looked at the large and small wounds on Ye Jingli's body, her heart was twisted and throbbing, "Xiao Li!"

"Sister, hurry up, hurry up!" Soon after being stopped by the Imperial Forest Army, Ye Jingli's eyes showed a hint of ruthlessness, and with a wave of his hand, the churning blue thunder and lightning rushed out instantly. , severely dealt with that Imperial Forest Army.

Xin said that she would bring Ye Jingli and the three of them with her if she wanted to leave, Ye Qianyue stretched out her hand without thinking, and wanted to pull Ye Jingli.

But before Ye Qianyue's hand touched Ye Jingli's, a terrifying aura comparable to that of Nian Wang hit Ye Jingli's body fiercely like a tidal wave.

How could he resist such a terrifying breath, Ye Jingli's face turned pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Xiao Li!" Seeing Ye Jingli's collapsed state, Ye Qianyue was about to rush out when a long whip was swung down from the air and slammed in front of her.

The blow of the whip was so hard and fast that Ye Qianyue had to dodge.

There was only a 'pop', and a whip mark with bursts of gray lifelessness fell to the ground, leaving a deep mark.

As the flying stones splashed, Ye Qianyue heard a thick and old sneer.

With red eyes, Ye Qianyue tightly clenched the scepter in her hand, her cold eyes were like sharp knives, and she looked fiercely at the man in the air.

I saw an old man in gray robe floating in the air relying on his thoughts and wings, and his proud and disdainful eyes fell on Ye Qianyue, as if looking at a dead person.

"Ye Qianyue, obediently, the old man will leave your whole body..." A cold voice sounded, and before the old man Wanshui could finish his sentence, he saw a fiery red figure with a very fast motion. Speed, rushed in front of him.

There was no usual indifference at all, Ye Qianyue's eyes were filled with anger, and the scepter in her hand slammed down on the old man Wanshui.

"Old man, I'm going to kill you!" The furious voice was mixed with mad killing intent, and Ye Qianyue's murderous look made the old man Wan Shui stunned.

The scepter had fallen in the blink of an eye, and the old man Wanshui had no time to dodge, he could only watch the scepter fall.

Terrible flames lingered on the scepter, causing old man Wanshui's complexion to change involuntarily.

Without even thinking about it, he swung a palm, and the power of the water element was lingering on it, mixed with a strong death energy, and fiercely blocked Ye Qianyue's blow.

The sound of "thrilling, stabbing", accompanied by the stench of scorched flesh, suddenly came from the palm of the old man Wanshui.

The sharp burning pain made the old man Wan Shui break out a few drops of cold sweat, and then without thinking about it, he flew up and kicked Ye Qianyue's side.

(End of this chapter)

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