The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 192 The next step is up to you

Chapter 192 The next step is up to you
Covering his blind eye, the black-robed man didn't even have time to take care of the rampant thoughts in his body, but just widened his good eye, looking at Ye Qianyue over there in astonishment.

Taking advantage of the stupefied man in black, Ye Qianyue rushed out from the spot without even thinking about it, and quickly rushed to Ye Jingli's side.

Her lips were pale without a trace of blood, and Ye Jingli's small body was somewhat thin, which made Ye Qianyue feel extremely distressed.

Without even thinking about it, Ye Jingli was carried behind her back, and the thought force under Ye Qianyue's feet was condensed, and she rushed towards the door quickly.

Although she wanted to take Ye Rongtian and Mrs. Ye with her, Ye Qianyue knew that she no longer had the strength.

If she stayed here now, neither she nor Ye Jingli would be able to leave, and then the real loss outweighed the gain.

Thinking in her heart that she must find her elder brother and second elder brother first, Ye Qianyue heard the tone of those imperial forest soldiers just now, it seems that they haven't been caught yet.

Now the only place that can take shelter is Imperial College!
Thinking about it, the speed under Ye Qianyue's feet became a little faster.

Not understanding how Ye Qianyue knew their weakness, the black-robed man's face was livid, and he quickly suppressed the violent thoughts in his body.

After the people in black robes absorbed the light thoughts, they had to transform them into dark thoughts. This was a process, and the only weakness was their eyes full of lifeless energy!
Now the thought power that originally belonged to Ye Jingli was running wildly in his body, which made him dare not use his thought power easily.

Fortunately, Ye Jingli's own strength is much weaker than him, otherwise, he might explode and die now!
Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue felt that Ye Qianyue was unforgivable, and the man in black angrily roared at the old man Wan Shui in the air, "Wan Shui, kill her, or I will kill you!"

Shocked with fright, although the old man Wanshui felt that Ye Qianyue was difficult to deal with, he was far less terrifying than the man in black!
With a dignified expression, he rushed towards Ye Qianyue. The old man Wan Shui made a smirk, raised his hand and patted Ye Qianyue, "Little girl, in order to keep me alive, you'd better go die!"

The moment the old man Wanshui rushed out, Ye Qianyue turned around coldly.

The indifferent killing intent danced in the dark eyes, and the ferocious anger seemed to be burning fiercely, making the corner of the old man Wanshui's mouth twitch.

"Get out of here!" Said such a sentence coldly, Ye Qianyue raised her hand and waved, the fiery red spiritual power around her body turned into a long whip, and slammed on the old man Wanshui .

The terrible strength directly knocked out the old man Wanshui, making him so depressed that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Forcibly swallowing the mouthful of blood stuck in his throat, the old man Wanshui closed his eyes as Ye Qianyue over there watched.

The fiery red spiritual power lingered around his body like a whirlwind, and was quickly replaced by silvery white.

The silent eyes opened suddenly, and the dark eyes were completely filled with silver and white. The movements of Ye Qianyue's hands were fast, and the handprints of summoning monsters were formed quickly.

She could clearly feel that the spiritual power belonging to Si Linyuan was gradually disappearing, and Si Linyuan's voice also came from Ye Qianyue's mind.

"Ah Yue, I can only help you so far." Having said that, Si Linyuan smiled evilly, "The rest is up to you."

(End of this chapter)

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