Chapter 194 You Can't Run Away
On this side, Huo Qilin was extremely fast, leading Ye Qianyue and the two towards the direction of the Imperial College.

Holding the unconscious Ye Jingli tightly in her arms, Ye Qianyue felt that her vision became more and more blurred.

A strong dull pain couldn't stop coming from her mind, making Ye Qianyue's complexion pale.

If it weren't for Si Linyuan's spiritual strength just now, she might not be able to hold on long ago, and now she has reached a limit.

"Huo'er, hurry up." Taking a deep breath, Ye Qianyue just wanted to hurry to the academy.

The strength of the academy itself is no lower than that of the empire on which the sun never sets. No matter whether it is an empire or a dark demon, they will not easily attack the academy's territory.

"Roar!" There was a roar immediately, and the speed under Huo Qilin's feet was so fast that it almost reached the extreme.

There was a weak light in the eyes, and Ye Qianyue quickly felt the breath of the old man Wanshui!

Gritting her teeth and turning her head, Ye Qianyue immediately met the ferocious expression on the old man Wanshui's face.

"Little girl, you can't run away!" A huge water-based spear was quickly condensed from both hands. Looking at Ye Qianyue's weak appearance, the old man Wanshui could guess that she had reached her limit .

Thinking of this, the corners of his lips could not help but twitched, and the old man Wanshui had a hint of ferocity in his eyes.

In his current view, Ye Qianyue has no ability to resist, and now is the best time to get rid of her!
Thinking of this, the old man Wan Shui already let out a cold snort, raised his hand and slapped the tail of the spear fiercely, causing it to bring a gust of wind and whizzing away in Ye Qianyue.

After all, he is also a strong man at the level of King Nian. With this blow, the old man Wanshui immediately drew a gorgeous tail in the air, and the menacing energy made the space tremble a little.

After being entangled with Nian Zun level people like the black robe man for so long, Ye Qianyue is already destined to be alive, and there is almost no Nian power in her body to save her life!
Looking at Ye Jingli who was still unconscious in her arms, Ye Qianyue knew that she would never give up no matter what!
Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue turned her wrist, and several sharp long needles appeared in her hand.

A sharp look flashed across her eyes, and Ye Qianyue shouted, "Huo'er!"

Connected with Ye Qianyue, Huo Qilin understood Ye Qianyue's thoughts in an instant, let out an angry roar from his throat, turned around and rushed towards the direction of old man Wanshui.

"Roar!" Raising its huge head and shaking it, Huo Qilin angrily spat out a huge fireball, and ruthlessly threw it at the water-type spear.

There was only a loud 'boom', and the two collided suddenly, stirring up a white mist of hot water.

"Well, what a damn beast!" The water mist was so hot that it made the back of the old man Wanshui's hands burn.

Quickly took a step back, the old man Wanshui was trying to bypass the water mist, but he faintly saw such a fiery red object in the water mist, rushing towards him at high speed.

Shivering with fright, the old man Wan Shui couldn't help but feel his heart tighten when he watched the much smaller fireball rush out of the water mist!
Without even thinking about it, he raised his hand to stop the fireball. The strength of the old man Wanshui was not comparable to that of the fire unicorn. When he barely blocked the fireball, the flames around the fireball also burned his two palms.

(End of this chapter)

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