Chapter 204

At the same time, Ye Qianyue also quickly took out a round milky white bead from her receiving ring and put it in her mouth.

At the same time, only the spiritual power used to hide the breath was withdrawn, and Ye Qianyue's breath was completely silent at this moment, and she couldn't even use her mind and spirit power anymore.

This breath bead is a good thing that Ye Qianyue found in the scepter space. It has almost the same effect as the breath grass, but it is more convenient than the breath grass.

As long as you hold the qi bead in your mouth, you can perfectly hide your aura, even facing someone who is several times stronger than yourself, it will not be exposed, which is much more convenient than suffocating grass.

Originally, with Xuanyuan Lang's spiritual power, she would never be able to find her, but Ye Qianyue knew that the person who was coming here was fully qualified to make her so cautious.

Squinting her eyes, Ye Qianyue soon watched a space wormhole appear in the room, and then a dark figure appeared.

The large black robe covered his face, and the terrifying aura that belonged to the strong Nian Zun turned into a heavy pressure and fell down hard.

I just felt that the speed of the flow of thoughts in my body suddenly slowed down, and Ye Qianyue felt suffocated, but she could only endure it forcefully.

Xuanyuan Lang on the bed also felt uncomfortable, his face turned pale, and the two peerless beauties beside him even let out a muffled groan, and passed out together.

"Xuanyuan Lang, you are living a leisurely life!" Almost squeezed out such a sentence through the gap between teeth, Xuanyuan Lang's body couldn't help trembling violently due to the hostility around the man in black.

"What did your lord say? I don't dare to do anything wrong in front of your lord." He bowed respectfully to the man in black, and Xuanyuan Lang's eyes were filled with fear of the man in black.

He clearly understood how terrifying the black-robed man in front of him was, he dared not be afraid of such a person!
"I asked you to quickly deal with the other forces in the empire. Fortunately, you have delayed until now!" The voice turned cold in vain, and the black-robed man had obviously reached the limit of his patience.

"My lord, it's not that I'm not good at things, but that Ye Qianyue is too cunning!" At the mention of Ye Qianyue's name, Xuanyuan Lang gritted his teeth fiercely, with a look of resentment on his face.

"Hmph, you idiot!" A cold light flashed from the only remaining green eye, and the black-robed man raised his hand and swung it, and a horse formed by the force of his thoughts rushed out fiercely, hitting him with perfect precision. On Xuanyuan Lang's chest.

"Ah!!" Immediately there was a shrill scream, Xuanyuan Lang was hit by that horse, and immediately he let out a shrill scream.

Suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, Xuanyuan Lang only felt that every part of his body hurt like crazy!

"My lord, calm down, I, I will definitely catch Ye Qianyue as soon as possible!" Regardless of the pain in his body, Xuanyuan Lang kowtowed to the man in black, trembling with fright.

"Hmph, I'll give you another three days. If you don't catch Ye Qianyue again, I'm going to die!" Mentioning Ye Qianyue, the only remaining eyes of the black-robed man also danced with a terrifying light , "Remember, that Ye Qianyue must be handed over to me alive. At that time, I will naturally let her know what pain is!"

Speaking of this, the corners of the black-robed man's mouth twitched ferociously twice, and Xuanyuan Lang was terrified by the arrogance in his eyes, so he could only nod numbly, "Don't worry, my lord, at noon two days later, Ye Rongtian and his wife will leave I'm about to be guillotined, and I'm not afraid that Ye Qianyue won't show up by then."

(End of this chapter)

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