Chapter 211 Hand over Ye Qianyue

What happened today was obviously a trap set by Xuanyuan Lang for Ye Qianfeng and the others, but they still rushed here knowing this.

Of course knowing that Ye Qianfeng and Ye Qianfeng were trying to save herself and Ye Rongtian, the more Mrs. Ye knew, the more afraid she became.

She is not afraid of death, but she is afraid that her child will die!

"Let's go, let's go together!" Ye Yunxiao rushed forward, following Ye Qianfeng's tone, and released the shackles on Ye Rongtian and the two.

Having suffered for several days, Ye Rongtian and the two of them were a little weak, especially Mrs. Ye, who couldn't stand anymore.

Hurrying to stabilize Mrs. Ye, Ye Yunxiao's eyes were red with anger, and he turned around and was about to rush towards Xuanyuanlang!
"Xiao'er, don't be impulsive!" Ye Rongtian understood that Ye Yunxiao wanted to avenge them, and it was precisely because he knew that that's why he had to stop him, "The most important thing is to survive, and there will be opportunities to deal with this scum in the future!"

Seeing Ye Rongtian's serious face, Ye Yunxiao gritted his teeth and finally nodded.

Together, they are no match for Xuanyuan Lang, so nothing is more important than saving their lives now!

Thinking of this, Ye Yunxiao and Ye Qianfeng picked up Mrs. Ye and turned around to leave.

"Want to leave after coming? There is no such cheap thing in this world!" At this moment, Xuanyuan Lang finally regained his strength, with a ferocious murderous look in his brows and eyes, "Come out!"

And following Xuanyuan Lang's order, countless black shadows came from all directions, quickly blocking the retreat of Ye Qianfeng and the others.

Knowing that Xuanyuan Lang would not let them go so easily, Ye Qianfeng's complexion quickly became serious.

Thinking that the weakest of these men in black is also a master at the level of Nian Wang, and even two of them are at the peak of Nian Wang. Such a posture is already very scary, not to mention that there is still a Xuanyuan Lang who is watching over there!

The cruel sneer destroyed Xuanyuan Lang's innate beauty, causing him to exude a ferocious aura, "You should also know that you can't run away, now as long as I give an order, you will be here today." They're all going to die here."

Looking at Xuanyuan Lang coldly, Ye Qianfeng and the others remained silent.

I don't mind, Xuanyuan Lang pulled out an evil smile, "But I've always been kind-hearted, as long as you are willing to hand over Ye Qianyue, I can consider it and let you live."

"Xuanyuan Lang, stop daydreaming there!" Ye Yunxiao's handsome face was full of anger, and he roared viciously, "Even if we all die here today, we will never betray us!" family!"

Standing beside Ye Yunxiao, although the remaining three did not speak, their eyes were filled with a firm light, obviously what Ye Yunxiao thought.

"That's a pity, I've given you a chance, but you don't want to cherish it..." With a sigh of regret, Xuanyuan Lang let out a smirk, "In this case, I have no choice but to cherish it..." I will send you to Huangquan Road together."

"Bastard, you are not allowed to hurt my father and mother!" At this moment, a childish roar came, followed by a cyan lightning that tore through the air and hit Xuanyuan Lang fiercely!

Immediately afterwards, a small figure also turned into a flash of light, as if the whole person turned into lightning, and rushed towards Xuanyuan Lang.

"Xiao Li?!" Recognizing at a glance that it was Ye Jingli, Ye Qianfeng was shocked, and immediately let out an exclamation.

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(End of this chapter)

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