Chapter 217 You are not qualified

"I told you, I will kill you today!" A murderous intent flashed across Ye Qianyue's eyes, and Ye Qianyue had already stretched out her hand to hold Xuanyuan Lang's head.

With a force in her hand, Ye Qianyue pressed Xuanyuan Lang heavily on the ground. The force was so great that it directly left a huge deep hole in the ground!

"Puff! Cough cough...Ye Qianyue, you, don't push me too much. I am the king of the empire on which the sun never sets. If you kill me, you will be charged with regicide! The Unfallen Empire will hunt you down forever. You may not care about it yourself, but have you ever thought about your parents and your brothers? Because of your fault, they will be hunted down forever, don’t you? I feel guilty... ah!!"

Before he finished speaking, Xuanyuan Lang's throat erupted with a shrill scream.

An originally handsome face was completely distorted by the pain, Xuanyuan Lang looked up in horror, but saw Ye Qianfeng and Ye Yunxiao coming behind Ye Qianyue at some point.

A long sword of thought power was condensed in his hands, piercing into his feet respectively, and there were waves of severe pain that he couldn't bear! !

"Don't try to threaten Xiaoyue with such a boring excuse, we are not afraid of any crime of regicide, and the empire on which the sun never sets will not chase us down because of you, a piece of trash!" He said coldly, Ye Qianfeng and the two moved their minds, and the Nian Li long sword instantly transformed into Nian Li and invaded Xuanyuan Lang's feet!

"Ahhh!! I want to kill you...!" His legs were bloody and bloody, and Xuanyuan Lang's feet were so strong that his bones were exposed!
The huge pain almost made Xuanyuan Lang completely lose his mind, and there were continuous screams from his throat, which made people feel horrified!

And at this moment, Ye Qianyue waved her hand, and two slender needles appeared in her hand.

"I crippled your thought power once before, but now, I don't mind crippling you again." There was a cold light in the dark eyes, Ye Qianyue had no expression on her face, she was indifferent, but so The country is amazing!

Almost completely fascinated by Ye Qianyue's beautiful face, Xuanyuan Lang gritted his teeth at this moment, and said angrily, "Ye Qianyue, even if I die, I will not make it easy for you!"

As he said that, Xuanyuan Lang's body began to inflate like a huge balloon, obviously planning to explode himself!

However, before Xuanyuan Lang really blew himself up, the two long needles in Ye Qianyue's hand had already been sent out.

The sharp long needle pierced his eyes, and ruthlessly stuck into his head, causing Xuanyuan Lang to let out a beast-like scream from his throat, and then he lost his breath in an instant.

"Threatening me with self-explosion, you are not qualified!" After saying this coldly, Ye Qianyue was about to pull away to leave, but she quickly felt a chill behind her back!

Without thinking about it, she quickly pulled out a long needle, and Ye Qianyue watched a pitch-black space wormhole appear in front of her.

The terrifying breath was accompanied by the mental fluctuations that changed Ye Qianyue's face, making the hairs on her back tremble uncontrollably!

She is very familiar with this oppressive atmosphere!The familiarity made the murderous intent in her eyes a little bit more!
(End of this chapter)

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