Chapter 224 Why Are You Here?
Feeling the pain coming from her heart like being hit by a hammer, Ye Qianyue clutched her chest, not knowing what this feeling was.

Why it hurts, she doesn't understand.

She had never felt this way in her previous life, but Ye Qianyue knew that it must not be something wrong with her heart, but a feeling she had never experienced before, which was causing her pain.

Almost even breathing was tinged with pain, but Ye Qianyue suddenly heard Qianying over there opening her mouth.

"The master suppressed the dark demon. He should have rested well to prevent the dark demon from attacking back, but in order to save you, the master not only used the power of thought, but also the power of spirit, so now he can only fall into a deep sleep to suppress the dark demon. Don't continue to run amok in his body." Qianying's tone was cold, and her gaze at Ye Qianyue was quite complicated.

Qianying didn't understand how attractive the woman in front of her was, which could make his master so desperate.

After hearing Qianying's words, it would be impossible for Ye Qianyue not to be moved.

The two feelings of moving and heartache are mixed together, which makes Ye Qianyue feel a bit of bitterness in her mouth.

Stretching out her hand and gently stroking Si Linyuan's face, Ye Qianyue frowned forcefully, complex emotions spread in her heart, making her not know how to react.

But at this moment, a cold streak appeared very familiar but suddenly appeared.

"Who! This old man wants to see who has the guts to lay hands on this old man's apprentice!" An old but deep voice sounded, causing Ye Qianyue to raise her head, and saw a sloppy figure coming from the space. Out of the wormhole.

With a murderous look on his face, Nanfeng came here from nowhere, with a dusty look.

"Old guy, why are you here?" Ye Qianyue couldn't react for a while seeing Nanfeng rushing towards her excitedly.

"Of course I came to help you fight! These people are really too courageous! The old disciples, the old man himself is reluctant to do it, how dare they dare!! The old man will teach these ignorant guys a lesson today. Let them know how powerful the old man is, and see if they dare to be presumptuous in the future!" While speaking, Nan Feng had already rolled up his sleeves, and Nan Feng aggressively looked at the people around him, but he couldn't find any opponent, "Teacher, man! What? Where are the enemies? Tell me quickly, and I will help you solve them!"

"It has been resolved." Seeing Nan Feng staring at herself with wide eyes, Ye Qianyue continued calmly, "You are late."

Taking a deep breath, Nan Feng widened his eyes even more forcefully, then raised his hand, and slapped himself on the head fiercely, "Hey, hey, I shouldn't have chosen that side road at that time! If I didn't Being caught in that space storm, the old man will not be too late! Dear disciple, are you alright? Come on, let me feel your pulse for you!"

After hearing Nanfeng's words, Ye Qianyue looked at the tattered robe on his body, which was torn by the space storm, and slightly raised the corners of her lips, "Thank you for coming to help me."

Things like space storms would kill people if they were not done well. Presumably Nanfeng had to spend a lot of effort to escape smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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