The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 227 What I want is not to be blindly protected

Chapter 227 What I Want Is Not To Be Protected Blindly

A kitten blushed, and Xiao Hei felt that if he really stretched out his hand, it would look even more wretched!

Looking up at Ye Qianyue again, Xiao Hei found that Ye Qianyue, a nervous woman, hadn't noticed anything wrong with him at all.

Living with a heartless woman is really exhausting!Feeling this sentence in his heart, Xiao Hei lowered his head, and his little face turned even redder.

Fortunately, his face was covered with pitch-black hair, so Ye Qianyue couldn't see his expression clearly, otherwise Xiao Hei would really be ashamed.

But as a conservative beast, Xiao Hei still felt that he could not get so close to a woman.

Thinking about it, he broke free from Ye Qianyue's embrace, Xiao Hei flicked his tail and jumped to the ground.

She has long been used to Xiao Hei's appearance, but Ye Qianyue still can't figure out why this little thing doesn't like being so close to her.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue walked to the bucket of liquid medicine that had been prepared earlier.

Seeing bursts of glare dancing in it, Ye Qianyue gently stretched out her onion-like fingers, and gently swept across the liquid medicine.

Waves of ripples immediately emerged, accompanied by the refreshing medicinal fragrance, which made people intoxicated.

"Yes, the healing potion prepared by the teacher is indeed the best." Although Ye Qianyue wanted to refine the healing potion by herself, Gu Rong was unwilling to say anything and just prepared it for her.

"It's also because I can't come forward, otherwise you don't have to suffer so much. If you don't even let me help you with this kind of thing now, what qualifications do I have to continue to be your teacher!"

Remembering Gu Rong's face full of guilt when he said this, Ye Qianyue sighed helplessly.

In fact, even if Gu Rong couldn't come forward to help her this time, she didn't mean to blame Gu Rong at all.

Ye Qianyue knew that they were able to successfully obtain the shelter of the academy, it must be because of Gu Rong's dealings in it, otherwise, they would be caught by the dark demons at the beginning, and it would be impossible for them to successfully reverse the situation and win victory.

Moreover, Ye Qianyue doesn't like to do things by herself, and needs the help of others.

In her previous life and present life, she was not a weak person. What she wanted was to hold her own future and control her own destiny, instead of relying on the help of others.

Gu Rong, Nan Feng, and Si Linyuan, these three people are all powerful, and Ye Qianyue can definitely ask them for help in this matter from the beginning, presumably they will not refuse.

It's just that she doesn't want to, she doesn't want to live with the help of others, and she doesn't want to accomplish nothing by herself.

She wants to become an eagle that can soar in the sky without restraint, instead of being a weak person with countless umbrellas around her.

That's not her pursuit, so she will never do it.

"What I want is to become a strong person, to protect the people who are important to me, instead of being protected blindly, so I must become stronger, stronger than those people of the Dark Demon!" Seriously After she really said such a sentence, Ye Qianyue's lips curled into a beautiful smile, and she reached out to untie the knot of her skirt.

If you are wearing clothes, it is really not easy to absorb the liquid medicine, so you have to take them off.

"Meow!!" As if frightened by Ye Qianyue's actions, Xiao Hei hurriedly stood up with his hind paws, waving his two soft paws continuously, as if he wanted to stop Ye Qianyue's actions .

(End of this chapter)

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