The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 234 You Don't Have To Be Too Stubborn

Chapter 234 You Don't Have To Be Too Stubborn

After hearing what Mo Zhu said, Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes, "Since the Skyfire Forest is behind the Skyfire City, there should be a lot of mercenaries in the city, right?"

I don't know why Ye Qianyue asked this, but Mo Zhu still nodded obediently, "I don't know much about Tianhuo City, but it seems to be like this."

"There are indeed a lot of mercenaries in Tianhuo City, but these mercenaries are by no means unreasonable people. It is also because they have been walking in Tianyuan Forest all year round, and they are very bloody and hostile. They kill and rob goods and so on. It's a common occurrence that happens every day, it's too dangerous for you to just pass by like this!" Gu Rong frowned and said solemnly.

"Yue'er, how about, why don't we discuss it after your elder brother wakes up..." Mrs. Ye didn't think that Tianhuo City was such a dangerous place, so she said with tears in her eyes.

"Mother, didn't you promise me everything? And no matter what, I must go there." Ye Qianyue guessed what kind of place it was, and was prepared in her heart.

In the 25th century, the earth's environment was harsh. Even with military management, there were so-called illegal areas.

At that time, Ye Qianyue was also an undercover agent, lurking there for a year and a half, so she clearly understood how dangerous it was and how to deal with it.

Naturally, I can't say these things to dispel Madam Ye's worries, and Ye Qianyue took a deep breath, "I know what I know, and I also need to experience, I need the kind of fighting that is close to death, otherwise, I may very well be in the future. I have been stuck at the intermediate stage of Nianwang, and I can no longer improve."

"That banned drug will still have a certain impact on you." After speaking, Gu Rong grabbed Ye Qianyue's wrist and checked the mind power in her body.

His complexion became even uglier, and Gu Rong knew that he couldn't stop Ye Qianyue.

"It seems that these things can only be resolved if you go there in person." As he spoke, Gu Rong shook his head helplessly, then took out a piece of jadeite from his ring, and handed it to Ye Qianyue. In his hand, "This is a special space stone. I specially asked the dean to make it. As long as you crush this thing, you can go back to the academy directly. Remember, don't try to be brave when you encounter anything. Your safety is the key to your safety." is the most important."

"Thank you teacher, I understand." After accepting the jade piece, Ye Qianyue turned and left, and went to pack things first.

Soon, some necessary dry food and various tools were packed, and Ye Qianyue got on the wildebeest carriage to the border of the empire on which the sun never sets that night.

After all, the speed of the wildebeest carriage is limited. Only by riding on the flying bird at the junction of the two countries, can Ye Qianyue really rush to Tianhuo City at the fastest speed.

Before getting into the car, Gu Rong specially came to see Ye Qianyue.

"Qianyue, there are actually some things, you don't have to be too stubborn..." After saying this suddenly, Gu Rong raised his reddish eyes and looked at Ye Qianyue, "Master, I know you value love and righteousness." , but when I accepted you as a teacher, I knew that you could not be the only teacher in your life."

"Teacher..." Just as Ye Qianyue was about to speak, she saw Gu Rong shaking her head at her.

(End of this chapter)

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