Chapter 236 Where did you come from?
Still burying his head in eating hard, when Xiao Hei ate the last medicinal material, a dazzling golden light suddenly burst out all over his body.

The terrifying pressure of monsters swept towards the surroundings crazily, and the galloping wildebeests suddenly screamed in fright, and then stopped.

"Don't you want to die? Who told you to stop! Why don't you hurry up and continue on your way!" Suddenly it stopped, and the huge bumps instantly woke up the owner of the wildebeest carriage, causing him to yell.

"Hee, hee hee——!" The twelve wildebeests huddled together, screaming and trembling, no matter how much the master swung the whip in his hand, they refused to move a step.

"Chihou, what's going on?" At this moment, Zhenhu, who was also the owner of the wildebeest carriage, rushed over.

"Second brother, I don't know what's going on, anyway, these guys suddenly became disobedient." As he said that, the red monkey violently swung the whip in his hand, and lashed at the wildebeest.

Seeing that the wildebeest was unwilling to leave even though it screamed, Zhen Hu frowned suddenly, "Could it be that a large monster is coming? Otherwise, the wildebeest wouldn't be so afraid!"

"Impossible, I didn't feel any mental fluctuations at all." Chi Hou looked at Zhen Hu wonderingly, "It's really crazy."

The golden light was fleeting, and they were not noticed by Zhen Hu, but the coercion on the bloodline that only monsters could feel, still made the wildebeests unable to move.

In Jun Suye's room, a small figure stood floating in the air, his body completely hidden in the darkness, only the pair of golden pupils were left dancing with bursts of glint.

Also aware of the commotion outside, the man seemed to be displeased and lightly snorted, then waved lightly.

"Hey?" Feeling the terrifying aura disappear in an instant, the wildebeests looked around in bewilderment, and after confirming that nothing happened, they obediently continued to run forward.

"Why is it all of a sudden? It's really a burst, it's very evil." Chi Hou frowned, and really couldn't understand what was going on.

"..." Silently watching the wildebeest galloping forward, Zhenhu quickly said, "If something is abnormal, there must be a demon. When we arrive at the border tomorrow, I will ask my eldest sister. She must know what's going on."

Naturally, he would not object, Chi Hou nodded.


The night passed quickly, and in Ye Qianyue's deep sleep, she felt that something was pressing on her stomach, making her breathing difficult.

Struggling to open her eyes, Ye Qianyue looked at the little guy sitting on her belly, and was stunned.

I saw a little boy carved in pink and jade, wearing a neat and neat black dress, blinking his golden eyes, staring at her carefully.

The golden shoulder-length short hair is particularly eye-catching. The little boy in front of him has an extremely cute face. The pink and tender face seems to be very soft and easy to pinch.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue reached out and pinched that pretty little face.

Remembering that people used to call this cute little boy 'Zhengtai', Ye Qianyue asked a little puzzled, "Little Zhengtai, where did you come from?"

Who knew that although Xiao Zhengtai was very cute, she was very principled and pushed Ye Qianyue's hand away.

(End of this chapter)

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