The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 245 First register a mercenary group

Chapter 245 First register a mercenary group
After intentionally waiting for a while before opening the door, Ye Qianyue urged the power of thought in her body, making her face look a little paler.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long. I don't know what's wrong. I've been a little tired since yesterday." While talking, Ye Qianyue rubbed her head seriously.

In her heart, she thought it was because the toxin in the spiritual imprint had taken effect, so Xiluan immediately showed a concerned look, "Miss is delicate and expensive, she must be tired because she was in a hurry to travel."

As he said that, Xi Luan rolled his eyes cunningly, and then said enthusiastically, "Miss, flying is not allowed within a mile radius of Tianhuo City. Since Miss is not feeling well, why don't you take our wildebeest carriage over there? Ask my younger brothers to find an inn for Miss. You don’t know, Miss, people in Tianhuo City are very bad. Seeing Miss like this, they will definitely kill you! But Miss, don’t worry, with us here, we will definitely not It will make the lady suffer."

Looking at Qi Luan's enthusiastic expression with cold eyes, Ye Qianyue covered up the murderous intent in her eyes, "In that case, I should thank you very much."

"Miss, this is what I should do." After saying that, she helped Ye Qianyue out of the car, Qi Luan was overjoyed, completely unaware that the god of death was gradually approaching her side.

Sure enough, as Xi Luan said, Chi Hou Zhenhu was extremely enthusiastic, leading Ye Qianyue and the others into Tianhuo City, and found them an inn with a reasonable price.

After specially letting Ye Qianyue and the others rest well, Chi Hou and Zhen Hu left, looking really warm-hearted.

After closing the door, Ye Qianyue sneered, "It seems that the three siblings really think of us as idiots."

"Miss, why did we take so long, we should have dealt with them just now." Mo Zhu said carefully.

"Didn't you see that he is more familiar with Tianhuo City than we are today, and it will be more effective if we attack them here." Ye Qianyue said lightly, "A group of people like us, people in Tianhuo City It seems like nothing could be easier to bully, so even if it is to pave the way for Liwei, we have to wait."

"Then what are we going to do next?" Mo Zhu moved closer to Ye Qianyue and asked.

"Go to the mercenary guild to register a mercenary group first, so that we can go to Tianhuo Forest to find medicinal materials." Although I don't like to act with other people, there are many dangers in Tianhuo Forest this day. If there are experienced mercenaries to lead If you lead the way, you can save Ye Qianyue a lot of trouble.

As soon as Ye Qianyue came out of the room, she felt several malicious eyes falling on her body.

All of them were greedy and vicious eyes, and some even had a bit of raging, which made Ye Qianyue's eyes a little more cold.

The pace under her feet quickened a bit, Ye Qianyue pulled Mo Zhu and Xiao Hei out of the inn quickly.

"Go, follow up, don't let them run away! Those two women are good-looking, and they will definitely fetch a good price!" Seeing Ye Qianyue walking so fast, a muscular mercenary roared With a sound.

The other two men with the mercenary group nodded immediately after hearing the words, and rushed out.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's flaming figure flashed and entered a deep alley, the mercenary showed a ferocious and bloody smile on his face, and then followed into the alley without hesitation.

 Ask for tickets, ask for rewards, ask for five-star praise~~
(End of this chapter)

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