Chapter 270
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"Yes!" Turning his head to look at Ye Qianyue's eyes filled with disgusting desire, the mercenary smiled slyly and rushed towards Ye Qianyue, "Hahaha, little girl, let the uncle accompany you well today play!"

A gray-white color like a rock soon appeared on the face, and the mercenary had rushed to Ye Qianyue fiercely.

The fist instantly became like a rock, and the mercenary in front of him used the rock attribute with equally powerful stamina and attack power!
Thinking that Ye Qianyue was just a strong person at the peak of Nian Ling, the mercenaries were afraid that they would ruin Ye Qianyue's pretty face, so they reached out their hands wretchedly, and poked towards Ye Qianyue's chest.

However, before the mercenary's palm even touched Ye Qianyue, Ye Qianyue snorted coldly, "He is just a junior Nian Wang, yet he dares to act presumptuously in front of me!"

I only felt that Ye Qianyue's tone was full of strong evil spirit and awe, the mercenary's body trembled involuntarily, watching Ye Qianyue raised her palm to him in disbelief.

A layer of dazzling flames condensed on the plain white palm, and the backhand was to firmly depress his palm!
His eyes widened in disbelief, before the mercenary realized what was going on, he just watched Ye Qianyue's wrist turn.

A few muffled sounds of 'Ka Ka Ka' came, and the mercenary saw his arm being twisted off by Ye Qianyue, his body trembled, and a shrill scream burst out from his throat!

"You, you...!" Feeling Ye Qianyue's strength clearly, the mercenary widened his eyes in horror, and then saw Ye Qianyue clenched his fist and slammed it on his chest!
There was a heart-shattering muffled sound, Nalan Feiyu didn't even see how Ye Qianyue moved, she could only watch the mercenary fly away by Ye Qianyue's punch, and her body flew upside down like a rag He came out and smashed several big trees fiercely before finally coming to a halt.

The whole person was already extremely embarrassed, the mercenary's arm was twisted and drooped by his side, his chest was sunken by Ye Qianyue's punch, the sunken place was scorched black, even the bones were broken!
Already out of breath, a junior Nian Wang powerhouse died so easily under Ye Qianyue's hands!
Silence, a strange silence spread instantly, causing Nalan Feiyu to break out in a layer of cold sweat!

Looking at Ye Qianyue in horror, when Nalan Feiyu saw the star array with five cold stars at Ye Qianyue's feet, she couldn't help but trembled in fear.

Five cold stars, four bright ones, and one slightly dim, he is a middle-level Nian Wang! !

"Why, how could you be the strong Nian Wang?!" Nalan Feiyu couldn't accept the fact in front of her for a while, and exclaimed.

"If you want to crush you under your feet, you still have to have this strength." The smile on her face became stronger and stronger, and there were several flames wandering around Ye Qianyue, who looked like dragons from a distance, clustered together Looking at Ye Qianyue who is like a goddess.

Hearing Ye Qianyue's arrogant words, Nalan Feiyu suddenly felt a chill running from her heels to her forehead.

There was a blank in her mind, Nalan Feiyu finally understood the meaning of Nalan Rongze's last words!
Nalan Rongze was not trying to persuade her at all, but was warning her. He knew that Ye Qianyue's strength was not simple, and he also knew that Nalan Feiyu was undoubtedly looking for death when he came out this time!

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(End of this chapter)

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