Chapter 273 I Won't Let It Go

The speed was extremely fast, Nalan Feiyu only heard a few muffled sounds, and then saw the bodies of these mercenaries fell to the ground like dead dogs.

There is a huge piercing hole in the chest, and blood continuously oozes out of it, staining the ground red.

Looking at the three people lying on the ground in great horror, Nalan Feiyu suddenly felt a burst of extremely cold murderous aura.

"Farewell, Nalan Feiyu." Hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Nalan Feiyu's body was already surrounded by flames before Nalan Feiyu could react.

"Ah!!" There was a shrill scream from the throat, and Nalan Feiyu's body was quickly wrapped in flames, and then instantly burned into black ash.

The corpses of several other people were burned up in the same way. Ye Qianyue's brows were cold, and she waved her hand faintly.

A strong wind swept out, blowing away those ashes in an instant.

"Let's go back." Having dealt with Nalan Feiyu, Ye Qianyue didn't stop much, and quickly returned to Skyfire City.

She quickly returned to the inn, and as soon as Ye Qianyue entered, she saw Mo Zhu.

"Miss, you are back!" Looking at Ye Qianyue, Mo Zhuzai looked at her carefully, and then exclaimed, "My God, what's wrong with you, miss!!"

Ye Qianyue was also injured in the battle with Guishan just now.

The skirt on his body was cut a lot, and countless small wounds spread all over his body. Although it was very shallow, there was still a little bit of blood oozing out, which looked very scary.

"I'm fine, it's just a small injury, so don't make such a big fuss." Pulled by Mo Zhu to sit down, Ye Qianyue looked at Mo Zhu's nervous expression and said with a smile.

"Miss, you just don't love yourself too much. If the slaves hadn't stared at the lady, the lady would definitely not take care of this little injury." Taking out the healing potion, Mo Zhu carefully applied the medicine to Ye Qianyue, "Miss, No matter how small an injury is, it’s still an injury, you can’t leave it alone!”

As he said that, while Mo Zhu was applying the medicine, he was afraid that Ye Qianyue would be in pain, so he carefully breathed on her wound.

Seeing Mo Zhu caring about her, Ye Qianyue repeatedly responded and let Mo Zhu treat her wound.

After treating the wound, Ye Qianyue quickly used her spiritual power to set up a mental barrier to protect the entire room.

After ensuring that the conversation between them would not be overheard by others, Ye Qianyue looked at Mo Zhu, "Did the third Xiluan sister and brother do anything to you during the few days I was away?"

"In the beginning, they would come over to ask things, but later they found out that Miss and Xiao Hei were not there, so they never came again." Mo Zhu reported seriously, and then said cautiously, "But Miss , the servant always feels that they will not let it go."

"Yeah, I guess it won't be long before we start." Looking at the spiritual imprint on her hand, Ye Qianyue looked at Mo Zhu, "By the way, is there any news about the medicinal materials that I asked you to inquire about?" ?”

Seeing Ye Qianyue mentioning this, Mo Zhu's small face suddenly collapsed, "It's because the servants are incompetent, and I couldn't find out..."

"It's not your fault. Those medicinal materials are very precious. Ordinary people have never heard of them, and I didn't expect to find them so soon." Thinking thoughtfully, Ye Qianyue said to Mo Zhu , "I have found the seventh-level magic core, and I need to cultivate for two days. You should guard it well for these two days. If there is any movement from Xiluan and the others, remember to remind me at any time."

 Ask for votes every day~~~ Babies, don’t forget to vote for Feier~
  There will be an update in the afternoon, and more will be added if there are rewards and tickets~ I love you all, so please~
(End of this chapter)

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