Chapter 275

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"Finally, I have stabilized my strength at the intermediate level Nianwang, and I should practice hard next." After saying this with a smile, Ye Qianyue looked at Mo Zhu, "Is there any movement from the third sister?"

"No, Xiao Hei and I have been staring at each other, but they haven't moved at all." Mo Zhu frowned in confusion, "Miss, this is really strange, logically, they should already know Miss You are back."

Touching the spiritual imprint on her hand, Ye Qianyue narrowed her dark eyes slightly, as if she was thinking about something.

After thinking for a while, Ye Qianyue said quickly, "The soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth. If they don't come for a while, it doesn't mean they won't come forever. It won't hurt for us to be more vigilant now."

"I understand." Mo Zhu replied obediently.

"What do you want to do next, continue to go to Tianyuan Forest?" Xiao Hei asked Ye Qianyue.

"Finding four kinds of medicinal materials in such a big Tianhuo forest is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack." After speaking, she walked downstairs, Ye Qianyue continued, "Let's go, have breakfast first, and then go to the street See if there is any useful news."

Naturally, they would not object, so Xiao Hei and Mo Zhu followed quickly.

After breakfast, the three of Ye Qianyue walked out of the inn.

After leaving the inn, the three of Ye Qianyue immediately caught everyone's attention.

Ye Qianyue was dressed in a red dress, and she was as proud as a fire. Her alluring posture was naturally very eye-catching, not to mention that Ye Qianyue's brows and eyes carried a trace of coldness and agility that ordinary women did not have, which was enough to make all men's hearts flutter.

Although not as good as Ye Qianyue, Mo Zhu was pretty and cute, with a pair of almond eyes like two crescent moons when he smiled, which was extremely lovely.

Besides, Xiao Hei, on the face of the angel-like Zhengtai, has a steady and cold heart that other children don't have. Such three people, wherever they go, are the focus of everyone's attention.

Different from the presumptuous gaze at the beginning, although everyone on the street has been looking at Ye Qianyue and the other three, their eyes are full of jealousy and fear.

Now that Ye Qianyue's vicious reputation has spread throughout the entire Tianhuo City, with such a stunning beauty, coupled with her ruthless methods and sky-defying strength, everyone naturally dare not have any frivolous and underestimated intentions.

Under everyone's jealous eyes, Ye Qianyue walked into the most prosperous street in Tianhuo City.

There are countless vendors on the street, and there are countless casinos and brothels on the side of the road, and the largest and most luxurious high-rise in the distance is the Wanbao Auction House owned by the Lan family's biggest tycoon in Tianhuo City.

Located in Tianhuo City, if those mercenaries get any good things, they will come here to auction, so the daily auctions of Wanbao Auction House are always very lively.

However, today, the entrance of Wanbao Auction House is even more lively than usual. Countless people crowded at the entrance of the auction house, looking at the sign hanging on the door, whispering constantly.

Although she doesn't like crowded places, Ye Qianyue wants to collect information now, so she also moves forward.

The red dress was conspicuous, and when the onlookers saw that it was Ye Qianyue, they were all taken aback for a moment, and then all of a sudden stepped out of the way, staring at her vigilantly and uneasily.

Seeing everyone trembling like this, Ye Qianyue didn't have much expression on her face, and walked straight forward.

 I also added an update today~ Seeing that the concubine is so hardworking, don’t hesitate to hand over your tickets~
  Tickets will continue to be added tomorrow =3=~~
(End of this chapter)

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