Chapter 277 Don't Be Shy
I like you, why don't you know how to help me?

Naturally, she wouldn't tell Ye Qianyue what she was thinking, Xiao Hei pursed her lips and darkened her face, and directly transformed into the appearance of a black cat, lowered her eyes, and jumped onto the soft couch to lie down on the soft couch with an unhappy expression on her face.

"Don't go, I haven't finished yet." Seeing Xiao Hei's awkward look, Ye Qianyue said hastily.

"No need." He turned his head even more unhappy, Xiao Hei didn't even look at Ye Qianyue.

"Xiao Hei, don't be shy~" Looking at Xiao Hei's appearance, Ye Qianyue thought that Bingshan's face was shy, but never thought that this little guy was actually angry.

This time, he didn't reply at all, and Xiao Hei flicked his tail at Ye Qianyue with a displeased expression, then turned around and turned his butt towards her, obviously unwilling to talk to her anymore.

Seeing this, Ye Qianyue chuckled twice, then raised her hand to use her spiritual power to build a barrier around her.

And before Ye Qianyue could make a move, Xiao Hei over there shook his tail lightly.

The golden light instantly diffused out, locking the space around the room, and protecting the whole room airtight.

This space lock is much safer than the mental barrier.

"Xiao Hei, you are so good." Ye Qianyue didn't mind seeing that Xiao Hei was still facing her buttocks, instead she smiled and summoned the medicine cauldron from the scepter space, and began to refine some consumable potions.

Hearing Ye Qianyue's compliment, Xiao Hei's tail wobbled lazily.

With his back facing Ye Qianyue, Xiao Hei did not let Ye Qianyue see his expression at the moment.

It looks like a kitten, but it looks depressed.

The golden jewel-like eyes were stained with helplessness, and Xiao Hei thought angrily, he must grow up quickly, and Ye Qianyue must not always let Ye Qianyue treat him like a child!

He has always been a majestic male, what he wants is to pursue Ye Qianyue well, not to be treated like a child by her.

Feeling that Ye Qianyue would not see herself as a male, it was all because of his current appearance like a little radish, Xiao Hei took a deep breath, quickly closed his eyes to rest, and held his breath while resting, slowly recovering strength.


Diligent in refining medicine, Ye Qianyue's current strength has stabilized at the fifth-rank level.

The potion of the fifth grade requires more medicinal materials and takes longer to refine, but the effect is also better.

After refining a lot of potions, Ye Qianyue was finally satisfied.

At this moment, the sun was setting, and according to Ye Qianyue's current strength, there was no need to eat on time every day.

Before that, Mo Zhu had been told not to disturb her. Ye Qianyue had been refining for such a long time, and her mental power was consumed a lot, so she immediately went to bed and rested.

He had been waiting for Ye Qianyue to rest, Xiao Hei shook his tail at this moment, and the surrounding space lock was instantly released.

One person and one beast closed their eyes like this, and soon there were two steady breathing sounds.

Although he didn't sleep with Ye Qianyue, Xiao Hei also curled up into a ball, closed his eyes tightly, and seemed to have also fallen into a deep sleep.

As night fell, the silent air circulated continuously in the room.

But just as the night was approaching, several figures quietly came to Ye Qianyue's door.

"Are you sure you're asleep?" Outside the door, one of them asked in a suppressed voice.

(End of this chapter)

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