Chapter 283 Shallow Water Mermaid

As for the things about men and women, she has also studied them from the perspective of reproduction, so even if she sees these now, she doesn't feel that there is anything to blush and feel embarrassed about.

The calmer Ye Qianyue became, the less calm Xiao Hei became. Just as he was about to delve deeper into this issue, there was a sudden commotion from below.

I saw that the hall below was filled with people, and even the private rooms on the second floor were full of people.

Soon, a charming woman with a hot figure and wearing a pink gauze skirt walked onto the stage with lotus steps.

A pair of fox eyes contained a little bit of water, the woman's clothes were revealing, and the pink gauze skirt tightly wrapped her attractive body, revealing the concave and convex curves.

That's not enough, the woman's neckline was opened, and the skirt was even slit to the base of her thighs. With a slight movement, her snow-white thighs were exposed, which was extremely imaginative.

She was indeed a rare beauty. The appearance of the woman soon attracted the ridicule of countless men below.

"Miss Hualing, you are so beautiful today!"

"Hey, it's a pity that such a beautiful girl is an auctioneer here, why don't you go back with the uncle, the uncle will love you very much!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Down.Liu's teasing voice was enough to make any woman feel ashamed, but Hua Ling just smiled lightly, looking familiar.

She even cast a few winks at the wolf-like men below with a very open mind, Hua Ling stood in the middle of the auction table, and spoke softly.

"Welcome everyone to our Wanbao Auction House. I'm the chief auctioneer, Hualing." After speaking, Hualing didn't know whether it was on purpose or what, but deliberately bent down and bowed to everyone.

The seductive arc of the chest made the eyes of the people below look straight, and everyone was staring at Hualing closely.

Deliberately and slowly straightened her waist, Hua Ling seemed to like how these men wanted her so much, so she raised her eyes proudly.

However, there was a man present who expressed disdain for Hua Ling's actions.

"Hmph." He doesn't even like to look at Hualing, Xiao Hei seems to be afraid of dirtying his eyes, and is very disgusted.

Seeing Xiao Hei's haughty look, Mo Zhu and Ye Qianyue couldn't help but smile.

How did she know that she was so disgusted by Xiao Hei, Hualing used her thoughts to amplify her delicate voice, "In this auction, our Wanbao Auction House has carefully selected all kinds of rare treasures for you. Now, let us Please enter the first auction item."

Saying that, a huge glazed ball covered with a red cloth was pushed up.

You can faintly see that the glass ball is filled with clear water, and there are whispers and constant discussions among the people present.

With a beautiful smile on her face all the time, Hua Ling said, "Everyone, this thing is a treasure that we finally got after a lot of hard work at the auction. Please take a look...!"

He stretched out his hand and pulled down the layer of red cloth, revealing a huge glazed ball, and the figure inside made everyone below let out an exclamation.

Among them, it was a female mermaid.

With a chain tied around her neck, the mermaid kept swimming in the glass ball with a panicked expression, as if she wanted to escape from this terrifying place.

The cyan scales constantly reflected the moving light in the water, the mermaid's dark green curly hair hung down like seaweed, and her frail and slender waist twisted, causing the people below to discuss loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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