Chapter 298

Just as the girl closed her eyes and was enjoying the meticulous service from the beautiful boys, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and a slender figure walked into the room quickly with graceful steps.

Without even moving her eyelids, the girl knew who it was who dared to break into her room without saying hello.

Immediately, she waved to those beautiful boys, "You all step back."

Those beautiful boys got up immediately, and then quickly and silently exited the room.

In a blink of an eye, there were only two people left in the room.

"Yin, why did you come back so soon?" The girl Shangwei's innocent and nice voice sounded lazily.

"Is there anything worth my time?" Beigong Huoyin said in a cold voice, without even looking at the girl, she went to the desk in the room and sat down. Paper, ink and pen.

There was a flash of light in the crimson eyes, Beigong Huoyin seemed to be remembering something happy, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, then he picked up the brush and started to paint.

"You let Ye Qianyue go." The girl's voice suddenly became cold, and she used affirmative sentences instead of questions.

Because she knows Beigong Huoyin too well, the strength of this evildoer is so mysterious and unimaginably strong, Ye Qianyue can't be Beigong Huoyin's opponent at all.

"So what?" While painting quickly, Beigong Huoyin said in a casual tone without raising his head.

Seeing that Beigong Huoyin admitted so generously, and didn't even bother to perfuse herself, the girl opened her eyes instantly.

One blue and one grey, those strange two-color pupils danced like real anger!

Getting up from the soft couch, the girl stepped barefoot on the ground covered with gray fur. As she walked step by step, the silver bell tied around her ankle made a pleasant sound.

Enchanting and pure, the two originally contradictory temperaments are combined at this moment, but they are just right, enough to confuse any man's heart.

However, Beigong Huoyin seemed to have not seen it, calm and composed, all his attention was placed on the drawing paper in front of him.

Slowly walking to the desk, the girl lowered her eyes and saw the outline drawn on the drawing paper in front of Beigong Huoyin, a cold smile appeared on the corner of her lips, "Beigong Huoyin, don't tell me, look Went to Yeqianyue."

"It's not up to you to guess my thoughts, and it's not up to you to take care of my affairs." Beigong Huoyin said lightly, without paying attention to the girl at all.

I just felt that the anger in my chest had risen again, and the coldness in the girl's eyes was even worse, with a murderous look beating faintly.

The smile on the corners of her lips also deepened, and the girl sneered and said, "She, Ye Qianyue, is now the number one enemy of our dark demons. I don't care what you think in Beigong Huoyin's heart, but if you insist on not Kill her, so what if I personally go out once!"

If she went out in person, it would not be as simple as killing Ye Qianyue directly.

She doesn't like to kill the prey she likes directly, but likes to torture the prey to death little by little!

Especially Ye Qianyue, who is now a big worry in her heart, she will feel uncomfortable if Ye Qianyue is not executed by Ling Chi!
Hearing what the girl said, Beigong Huoyin finally raised his head slowly, and his crimson eyes met the girl in front of him coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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