Chapter 305 I Will Protect You Well
However, before Ye Qianyue carefully inspected the contents of the ring, a stream of light suddenly appeared in front of them.

It was like a rhombus-shaped spar, but upon closer inspection, there was a flaming figure of Ye Qianyue in the spar.

She couldn't help being stunned. Although Ye Qianyue knew that there were spars that could store images in this world, Ye Qianyue also knew that such spars were very rare, so it was the first time she saw them.

However, just when the three of them were in a daze, the spar suddenly burst into a burst of dazzling light, and then rushed towards the sky rapidly.

"Quick! Stop that thing!" At this moment, Xiao Hei seemed to have come to his senses, and he was about to lock the space around the spar quickly.

However, it was also at this moment that the spar trembled slightly, and then disappeared in place in an instant!

All of a sudden, Xiao Hei's expression turned ugly!

Thinking that there was actually her figure in the spar, Ye Qianyue also had a vague feeling that it was not good, "I remember, it is a spar that can store images."

"More than that." Knowing that he couldn't catch up with the spar, Xiao Hei's eyebrows furrowed immediately, "Some special family forces will bury such a spar in the body of some important members of their family, If they die unexpectedly, what they saw before they died will be recorded by the spar and sent back."

"Then, wouldn't people from that family come to seek revenge on Miss!" Mo Zhu said very nervously.

"Normally speaking, it shouldn't be." Xiao Hei thought for a while, then looked at Ye Qianyue, "Families who can use this kind of precious spar will generally not come to this plane."

"You mean, that family is on the plane above the Canghe Continent, just like the Dark Demon?" Si Linyuan said that there is a more powerful plane above the Canghe Continent, Ye Qianyue asked now.

"Yes, only this kind of family can have such financial resources. Although they generally disdain to come to this plane, there is no guarantee that there will be any accidents, so you should pay more attention in the future." Saying, Xiao Hei Raising his head, his golden eyes stared at Ye Qianyue seriously, "But don't worry, I will protect you well!"

"Mo Zhu will definitely protect Miss well!" Mo Zhu also said with a serious face, swearing.

"Okay. However, it's too early to say these things. It won't be too late until the people from that family really come to the door." Stretching out his hands, he touched the heads of Mo Zhu and Xiao Hei, and Ye Qianyue followed He used his spiritual power to check the snow-white ring.

"As expected of a person from the previous plane, he really has a lot of good things." After closing her eyes and saying this, the corners of Ye Qianyue's mouth curled up quickly.

Then, Ye Qianyue opened her eyes suddenly as if she had discovered something.

I saw a flash of light, and then a black brocade box also appeared in Ye Qianyue's hands.

Opening the brocade box without thinking, Ye Qianyue looked at the red spar tightly wrapped in the extremely cold silk, and smiled uncontrollably!
"This is, the flame spirit stone!!" Feeling the almost terrifying fire energy released from the spirit stone, Ye Qianyue never thought that the man in black would have such a good thing on his body!

(End of this chapter)

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