Chapter 314 It's almost the end

Hearing the words, Ye Qianyue frowned, and could only be obedient.

This time, there must be absolutely no mistakes in refining medicine, and she also understood this, so she reacted after being reminded by Nanfeng and the other two.

As long as Si Linyuan was involved, Ye Qianyue would not be as calm as usual.

Concerned about chaos, this sentence is not without reason.

"Then, I will trouble the two teachers first, and I will recover my strength as soon as possible." Ye Qianyue came to the side of the soft couch and sat cross-legged, and then quickly took out a bottle that can quickly restore mental strength. potion.

On weekdays, she dislikes using this type of medicine the least. Ye Qianyue always likes to recover slowly by herself, so that she will become dependent on this type of medicine in the future.

But at this moment, she can no longer scruple so much.

Drinking the potion quickly, Ye Qianyue closed her eyes and concentrated, quickly absorbing the power of the potion.

Seeing Ye Qianyue started to practice, Nan Feng and the others were about to take out the medicine cauldron, but they suddenly heard Si Linyuan's low moan, his brows were tightly furrowed, and his expression was very painful.

There was a muffled 'boom', and a cloud of smoke that was so dark that it made people tremble rushed out, and then turned into a face similar to Si Linyuan's, turning around and rushing towards the deity.

"Hmph, don't even think about it!" Nanfeng's crimson spiritual power quickly gushed out from between his brows, and he slapped hard on the fire jade bed.

There was only a muffled sound, and a ball of fiery red energy suddenly erupted from the body of the fire jade bed, covering Si Linyuan's body, resisting the cloud of smoke tenaciously.

"Squeak!" There was a scream from the throat, and the Dark Demon's face, which was the same as Si Linyuan's, was filled with hatred, and he glared viciously at Nanfeng over there.

The voice was harsh and shrill, like maggots on tarsal bones, making people tremble, "Humans, after I break the seal, the first one will kill Si Linyuan, the second one will kill Ye Qianyue, and the third one will be your turn! "

"Depending on you, you can't do it!" Nan Feng's expression was incomparably cold, seeing the dark demon rushing towards the solid barrier like crazy, he wished he could break through the barrier and kill Si Linyuan!

But the dark demon was still sealed, and after a few backlashes, he failed. In the end, he could only stare at Nanfeng with hatred in his eyes, and then gradually turned into smoke and slipped back into Si Linyuan's body.

"Huh..." Seeing that the dark demon finally subsided, Nan Feng let out a long breath, and raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat oozing from his forehead, "Even if it is sealed, the power of this dark demon cannot be tolerated." Look down, if it wasn't for the help of the Fire Jade Bed, I'm afraid I couldn't suppress it long ago!"

"It's almost the end, as long as these medicinal materials are refined, Si Linyuan can wake up." Quickly took out the medicine cauldron for refining medicine, Gu Rong looked at Nanfeng, "Master Nan, let's start?"

"Well, Gu Rong, you can refine this seventh-order magic core." With a wave of his hand, the wood-type magic core mixed with some fire-type energy floated in front of Gu Rong.

"Yes." Naturally, he will not refuse. During this year, Gu Rong has also received a lot of teachings from Nanfeng, and his spiritual power, which has been stagnant before, has also been greatly improved. The strength of the medicine has stabilized at the peak of the sixth rank. Although it is not easy to advance to the rank of the seventh rank, it is not too difficult to refine the seventh rank magic core.

(End of this chapter)

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