Chapter 318 Let's Start
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In the end, it can be said that it was finally refined entirely by strong consciousness. Gu Rong had a splitting headache and almost lost his strength.

"Teacher, please take the potion to restore your spiritual power and have a good rest." Looking at Gu Rong's pale face, Ye Qianyue said gratefully.

After receiving the potion, although Gu Rong wanted to watch Ye Qianyue fuse, he also knew that he couldn't hold on anymore.

Nodding his head immediately, Gu Rong stepped back obediently.

Nanfeng obviously consumed a lot, but it was much better than Gurong, and he had to hold on and guide Ye Qianyue to fuse.

"Let's start." Looking at Si Linyuan who was sitting cross-legged on the fire jade bed with a painful expression on his face, Nan Feng said in a deep voice.

At this moment, Si Linyuan's brows could faintly see a cloud of black air surging, and he was terrified, probably the dark demon would not be able to help but make a move.

Also knowing that time was running out, Ye Qianyue raised her hand and patted the stone platform lightly.

I saw the essence of the five medicinal materials shooting out separately, and then dancing bursts of mysterious light, appearing in front of Ye Qianyue.

Most of the five medicinal materials have been refined into liquids, only the flame spirit stone and the dragon snake ganoderma are crystal-like powders.

"Fuse the five kinds of medicinal materials first, then catalyze the flame spirit stone and the dragon snake ganoderma, let them fully fuse into it, and finally integrate the spiritual power into it to sublimate the medicine." Nanfeng's voice was thick, slow and firm. It sounded in Ye Qianyue's mind.

Without answering, Ye Qianyue nodded directly, and then a thick flame rushed out, directly devouring all five essences.

When this powerful potion is formed, a fantastic creature called 'Dan Beast' will be formed.

Pill Beast is a ferocious beast formed from the tyrannical spirit that was eliminated when the potion was sublimated. Its attack power is comparable to that of a monster, and it is extremely powerful!

It is also because of Dan Beast that high-level potions are so rare.

Once the Pill Beast appears, it is normal for the medicine to destroy people. In addition, alchemists often have weak attack power, so when refining medicine, some alchemists will invite strong people who can withstand the Pill Beast. Help before you fall short.

Pill beasts will appear in sixth-grade potions, so Ye Qianyue has seen them before.

Although Ye Qianyue, a seventh-rank junior, can fuse this potion, but this potion is at least among the eighth-rank, and the pill beasts that appear are by no means what her medicine cauldron can bear, and such fine refining, the most taboo thing is It's not proficient, so Ye Qianyue can't use Nanfeng's medicinal cauldron.Instead of making a mistake because of the medicine cauldron, it is better not to use the medicine cauldron at all!

There was a cold light in the dark eyes, and Ye Qianyue looked at the five essences roasted by the flames with an extremely cautious expression.

As long as the refining is successful, this thing can help Si Linyuan wake up, but if not, the dark demon will definitely counterattack completely. At that time, it will be difficult to counterattack again!
Success or failure depends entirely on the successful fusion of this potion!

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue's spiritual power gushed out like a tide, piercing into the five essences with precision.

The powerful spiritual power envelops all five essences, and any slight change in the essence cannot escape Ye Qianyue's eyes! !
The essence has been heated, now is the best time to fuse!
Naturally, she would not miss the best opportunity, Ye Qianyue's face was cold, her plain white palm was facing the flame, and she clenched it tightly from the air, "Give it to me!"

 This is the end of today's update~~ Babes, remember to vote for Feier~
  There are tickets and rewards, continue to add updates tomorrow~~~
(End of this chapter)

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