Chapter 326 Naturally To Defeat You
"Your lesson is not enough, but next, it's my turn to teach you a good lesson." Proudly and coldly, although Si Linyuan has been sleeping, it's not like he doesn't know everything.

The dark demon tried to kill them all over and over again, so he naturally wanted an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye!

The gilt-golden eyes narrowed fiercely, and the terrifying spiritual power shot fiercely towards the surroundings like a tidal wave.

Like a shocking wave, the power of the spirit swept out, shattering the puppet that was entangled with Qianying, and then directly shocked the three ten heavenly gods outside to death!

Seeing the spiritual power coming towards him like a tide, Xiao Hei didn't show any expression on his face, watching the spiritual power bypassing him coldly and continuing to disperse towards the surroundings.

Looking up at the sky, the little black and golden vertical pupils could not help but slightly narrowed.

I saw fiery red spiritual power emanating from the air, causing all energy in the world to vibrate.

The originally blue sky seemed to be dyed by the fiery red spiritual power, and the sky of the entire imperial capital fluctuated, and the fiery red fire clouds were dazzling, covering the entire sky, even more dazzling than the setting sun.

For a moment, everyone in the imperial capital looked at the sky, constantly amazed.

Compared to the exclamation of everyone in the imperial capital, the Dark Demon never expected that his scarlet eyes stared coldly at Si Linyuan over there, "You, how could you have such terrifying power!?"

Sensing the panic hidden in the Dark Demon's tone, Si Linyuan pulled out a crazy and bloodthirsty smile, "Of course it is to defeat you."

Saying that, Si Linyuan stretched out his slender palm, and clenched it tightly against the dark demon from the air!

The spiritual power pervading the entire room seemed to have eyes, and quickly built a huge fiery red prison. Cage, tightly trapping the dark demon in it.

Immediately, he let out a cold snort, and the Dark Demon's body trembled, instantly turning into a puff of smoke, and frantically rushed towards the prison cage!
"It's useless, the current you can't beat me at all." After sleeping for such a long time, the dark demon gathered strength, and Si Linyuan did the same.

However, before he woke up, these energies could not be used. Now that he is awake, it is impossible for the dark demon to win him!

And at this moment, the dark demon slammed into the fiery red cage, and then let out a piercing scream.

A flame-like mental power erupted around the fiery red prison cage, which instantly burned the Dark Demon, causing him to scream continuously.

Seeing this, Si Linyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and with a thought, the fiery red cage kept shrinking, and then squeezed the dark demon into a small scarlet dot.

Seeing that the prison cage was about to squeeze him into a mass of nothingness, the dark demon rammed into it without thinking, and then a burst of black death suddenly erupted from his body.

The ferocious death energy quickly corroded the cage, and then the dark demon rushed out crazily, rushing directly into the center of Si Linyuan's eyebrows!

The dull pain made Si Linyuan frowned.

"Si Linyuan, I'll let you go this time, and next time, I will definitely make you die!" A resentful voice came from Si Linyuan's body, and the dark demon fell silent after saying this. The breath was restrained, it seemed that Si Linyuan had been firmly suppressed.

Hearing this, Si Linyuan didn't take it seriously.

The dark demon's own strength has never recovered, and now he has been seriously injured by him. It will be impossible to pose any threat to him for a while.

 Continue to ask for tickets and rewards~~ I love you guys
(End of this chapter)

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