Chapter 328 Father-in-law said so

After taking the jade bottle from Qianying, Si Linyuan opened the bottle cap.

The light blue mist seeps out, carrying a trace of vitality and pure power, which makes Ye Qianyue's spirit involuntarily lifted.

Helping Si Linyuan to stabilize Mo Zhu, Ye Qianyue watched the blue liquid slowly flow into Mo Zhu's mouth.

"Uh...cough, cough cough!" After drinking the soul dew, Mo Zhu coughed twice, then opened his eyes dimly.

It seemed that he still couldn't see clearly, Mo Zhu slowed down for a while, and then seemed to recognize Ye Qianyue at last.

"Miss..." She struggled to sit up, but when Mo Zhu moved lightly, a heart-piercing dull pain came from her whole body, the pain made her face turn pale, and tears were forced out.

"Your injuries haven't healed yet, so don't move around." Seeing that most of the death marks on Mo Zhu's face had disappeared, Ye Qianyue was relieved, "Leave the next thing to me, you don't care about anything." Don't worry, take a good rest first, and I will definitely find a way to heal your injury."

Even breathing lightly would have to endure great pain, Mo Zhu couldn't speak, so he could only nod his head, and then obediently closed his eyes.

"Let her rest quietly, and when she wakes up, take the Qinghun dew again, and the dead energy in her body will be cleared away." Putting Mo Zhu carefully on the fire jade bed, Si Linyuan tapped lightly, The fiery red spiritual power landed on the fire jade bed.

The rising energy enveloped Mo Zhu's whole body, helping to purify the dead energy left in her body.

Nodding her head, Ye Qianyue frowned, "After the dead air is purified, I will treat her injury with medicine."

Mo Zhu has been given the life-sustaining medicine. Although Mo Zhu is in pain at this moment, his life is not in serious danger.

As for the medicine for healing, Ye Qianyue has also refined a lot in the past year, so it shouldn't be a problem to heal Mo Zhu's injury.

Also exhausted, Ye Qianyue said so, everything in front of her eyes shook accordingly.

The field of vision was immediately shrouded in darkness, and Ye Qianyue fell forward feebly.

Reaching out to catch Ye Qianyue's slender body, Si Linyuan's golden eyes were filled with tenderness, and he hugged Ye Qianyue tightly.

Seeing such a scene as soon as he entered the door, Xiao Hei was stunned for a moment, and then his whole face turned black.

They also walked in, Nan Feng and Ye Rongtian were so embarrassed when they saw this place that they didn't know where to look.

"Ahem, Mr. Si, can you please let go of my daughter first?" In the end, Ye Rongtian coughed twice in embarrassment, and then walked in front of Si Linyuan.

Faintly watching Ye Rongtian walk over, Si Linyuan looked at Ye Qianyue, and then gently hooked the corners of his lips, "My father-in-law said so, of course I won't refuse."

With the phrase 'my lord father-in-law', Xiao Hei was so angry that his head burst into flames, he rushed over, and was about to kick Si Linyuan viciously.

After handing Ye Qianyue to Ye Rongtian, Si Linyuan easily dodged, and then stared at Xiao Hei coldly.

"You don't have that kind of relationship with her yet, don't shout!" Hei also gave Si Linyuan a displeased look, and said sullenly.

"The relationship between me and Ah Yue, I think you should be able to see it." The corners of Yan Hong's lips curled up, and Si Linyuan looked down at Xiao Hei, his eyes were sharp, and Xiao Hei was so angry that he wanted to scratch his face.

(End of this chapter)

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