Chapter 332 I Will Go With Ah Yue
"It's just that after leaving the academy, where do you plan to go...?" Knowing that Ye Qianyue would never be satisfied with her current strength, Gu Rong asked.

After hearing Gu Rong's question, Ye Qianyue raised her hand, and a silver post appeared in her hand.

The slender and round fingertips lightly brushed over the post, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes slightly narrowed, and the faint hostility in them kept rolling, "I'm going to the temple."

Having also seen the world, Gu Rong and Nan Feng also recognized that the post came from the temple.

"I've also heard about the goddess trying to win you over, but Qianyue, according to your current strength, if you really go to the temple, I'm afraid that the limelight will soon surpass the goddess. , a lot of trouble will come to you." Gu Rong frowned and said seriously.

She clearly understood Gu Rong's meaning, Ye Qianyue had seen Younina's temperament before.

"Even so, I have a reason to go." The corners of Yan Hong's lips curled into a smile, and Ye Qianyue's tone was very firm.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the people in the temple are bodhisattvas who save suffering and suffering, but the strong with a little vision know that the temple looks pure and elegant, but it is actually filthy inside.

In particular, the power of the Goddess and the Son of God is divided into two parties. If Ye Qianyue really goes, she will definitely be involved in this dispute!
The temple is not like an ivory tower like a college, where if you make a slight mistake, your life will be in danger!

He really didn't want Ye Qianyue to take risks in that kind of place. Gu Rong felt that if Ye Qianyue really wanted to practice, there were many other choices.

"Gu Rong, don't persuade me anymore." However, before Gu Rong could speak, Nan Feng looked at Ye Qianyue, "You girl, the reason you went to the temple is because of the Fire Dragon Crystal?"

After hearing Nanfeng's words, Gu Rong finally remembered that Qianying had said before that only by obtaining the Fire Dragon Crystal can the dark demon be completely wiped out.

But everyone knows that the fire dragon crystal is the sacred object of the temple!

Ye Qianyue nodded quickly, "Yes, I must help Si Linyuan solve the serious problem of the dark devil!"

Looking at Ye Qianyue's serious expression, Gu Rong and Nan Feng looked at each other, seeing helplessness in each other's eyes.

Ye Qianyue's temperament is the most steadfast, as long as it is something she decides and the person she identifies with, it will never change.

Both of them loved the student Ye Qianyue, and the two of Nanfeng didn't speak for a while.

"Please rest assured, the two masters, I will go with Ah Yue." At this time, a faint voice came, and immediately after that, Si Linyuan's magnificent figure also appeared outside the door.

"You're here." Seeing Si Linyuan, Ye Qianyue immediately showed a beautiful smile, and the corners of Nan Feng and Gu Rong's mouths twitched.

"Si Linyuan, you kid is really blessed!" Nanfeng said this sincerely, then stared at him, and said disrespectfully, "It's a good thing that this old man is not young, if this old man is four or fifty years younger Year-old, I must grab it with you."

Hearing this, Ye Qianyue and the two just smiled sweetly.

"Si Linyuan is following you, I feel relieved. But Si Linyuan, how is the dark demon in your body?" If something goes wrong in the temple, it will be really bad.

 Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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