The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 336 Xiao Hei's 'Brother'

Chapter 336 Xiao Hei's 'Brother'

Slightly squinting his eyes, Xiao Hei seemed to be struggling to stand up, stood on tiptoe, and then tried his best to use his chopsticks to pick up a piece of braised lion's head in the distance.

It's a pity that Xiao Hei is still too young, so he tried hard for a long time but failed.

He tried twice more, but Xiao Hei still failed, so he silently lowered his head, looking very depressed.

Although she knew that Xiao Hei was already an adult, Ye Qianyue still subconsciously regarded him as a child when she saw his small appearance.

"Let me help you." Stretching out her hand to touch Xiao Hei's little head, Ye Qianyue said that she was about to pick up vegetables for Xiao Hei.

Nodding obediently, Xiao Hei glanced at Si Linyuan, not hiding the beating light in his eyes.

This little devil did it on purpose...

Having come up with such an answer in his heart, Si Linyuan smiled instead of anger.

Seeing the smile on the corner of Si Linyuan's mouth, Xiao Hei couldn't help frowning.

And before Ye Qianyue reached out to pick up the vegetables, Ye Jingli next to Xiao Hei jumped up suddenly, "Sister, please sit down, I'll just take care of Xiao Hei!"

Ye Jingli patted his chest swearingly, and Ye Jingli looked at Xiao Hei with bright eyes.

He is the youngest of the four brothers. Ye Jingli has always been regarded as a child, and he especially wants a younger brother or sister to enjoy the feeling of being an older brother.

But because Mrs. Ye was weak, his wish was never fulfilled.

At this moment, Xiao Hei, who looked younger than him, appeared, and he naturally would not let this opportunity pass by.

After saying this, Ye Jingli didn't see Xiao Hei's face that suddenly sank, and served him food very attentively. Your height is really too thin, come on, brother will bring you some more food, you should eat more, and try to grow taller next year."

"Pfft...!" Knowing that Xiao Hei is an adult at heart, Ye Qianyue couldn't help laughing out loud after hearing Ye Jingli's words.

Looking at the various dishes piled up like a hill in his bowl, Xiao Hei gave Ye Jingli a vicious, murderous look.

If Ye Jingli wasn't Ye Qianyue's younger brother, he would have beaten him up now no matter what he said!
Not to mention being disturbed, he was treated like a child, and Xiao Heiqi's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Seeing Xiao Hei who was half a head shorter than himself, Ye Jingli smiled happily.

Ye Jingli kept feeding Xiao Hei with food, Ye Jingli, who was born with a rough nerve, didn't notice the murderous look in this 'brother''s eyes at all.

"Ah Yue, eat more." At this time, Si Linyuan said with a smile, and then brought food for Ye Qianyue.

Ye Si Linyuan didn't forget to look at himself while picking up the food, Xiao Hei bit the food in his mouth hard, just like biting Si Linyuan.

After eating quickly, Xiao Hei followed Ye Qianyue back to the room, then shook his head, and instantly turned into a black cat, lying on Ye Qianyue's lap.

It's been a long time since I saw Xiao Hei like this. Ye Qianyue stroked his little furry head, and then scratched his neck.

He narrowed his eyes enjoying it, and Xiao Hei still didn't forget to stick out his pink tongue and lick Ye Qianyue's fingers.

"Xiao Hei, you are still the cutest like this. It's not like you've turned into a human form, always so cold." Ye Qianyue said, poking Xiao Hei's little head.

(End of this chapter)

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