Chapter 338 Be Careful
After staying in Ye Guogong's mansion for another three days, Mo Zhu had already woken up, and Ye Qianyue set off and rushed towards the temple.

The temple has branches in every country, but Ye Qianyue is going to the Fenglan Empire where Yunina is located this time.

Although I know Younina is not a good person, but with her, Ye Qianyue can save a lot of trouble.

There were not many people going with him this time, only Xiao Hei and Si Linyuan.

In order not to attract attention, Si Linyuan changed into an ordinary bodyguard.

Dressed in a pure black outfit, his originally handsome face has become very ordinary after being disguised, but the pair of gilt-golden eyes reveal an unruly light, making it impossible to underestimate him.

As for Xiao Hei, he directly turned into a black cat and stood on Ye Qianyue's shoulder.

In order not to attract attention, the three of Ye Qianyue decided to fly to Fenglan Empire by flying bird.

Madam Ye was the most reluctant to leave again after only coming back for a few days.

With tears in her gentle eyes, Mrs. Ye grabbed Ye Qianyue's hand, exhorting, "Yue'er, you must be careful when you go out this time, people in the temple are not easy to provoke. Even though Si Linyuan is protecting you, you must remember to restrain your edge and never try to be brave."

In the past three days, Mrs. Ye had warned her countless times, but she was still worried.

"Okay, mother, Xiaoyue knows how to measure herself." There was always a slight smile on her face, but Ye Qianfeng's eyes were also beating with unconcealable worry.

"Mr. Si, please protect Yue'er." Ye Rongtian was also reluctant to part with his daughter, and said to Si Linyuan immediately.

"I will do my best to protect her." After saying this seriously, Si Linyuan reached out and put his arm around Ye Qianyue's shoulder.

"That's necessary. If Xiaoyue is injured, I will definitely not let you go!" Ye Yunxiao said while shaking his fist at Si Linyuan.

"Sister, you, you have to come back soon...!" Ye Jingli's face was full of disappointment, and he held onto Ye Qianyue.

"Xiao Li, you have to obediently listen to what your father and mother say, do you understand?" Ye Qianyue patted her younger brother's head, watching Ye Jingli forcefully nod to herself.

After saying goodbye one by one, Ye Qianyue took the potion handed over by Nanfeng.

"Here you are, this is something that my teacher made for you. Don't let others use it casually." After handing the medicine of the peak eighth grade to Ye Qianyue, Nanfeng knew Ye Qianyue's temperament.

This girl, who would rather suffer herself than hurt the people around her, is really stubborn, if he doesn't give such a word, I really don't feel at ease.

However, even if he ordered, Ye Qianyue might not necessarily listen.

"Thank you teacher." Ye Qianyue took the potion with a smile, and said slowly, "Then I'll go first."

First, they drove to the border of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets in this horned carriage, and then the three of Ye Qianyue took the flying bird to the Fenglan Empire.

Because Fenglan Empire faces the sea, many people went there. Ye Qianyue and others spent a lot of money to find a flying bird team with relatively few people.

After getting on the flying bird, Ye Qianyue drove away Si Linyuan and Xiao Hei who wanted to sleep in the same room with him.

However, it was too strange for Xiao Hei to live in the same room with a cat, so Ye Qianyue simply waved his hand and let him live with Si Linyuan.

Specifically telling the two not to fight, Ye Qianyue didn't seem to see the dissatisfied eyes of the two, and went directly to her room to rest.

There was no delay along the way, and after seven days, the three of them reached the border of Fenglan Empire.

 Going to the temple la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la again~~ but also meeting the scheming bitch~~~
  Continue to ask for tickets, rewards, and five-star praise ~ I love you = 3 = come to kiss

(End of this chapter)

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