Chapter 351

"Master Goddess is worried about Miss Ye's safety. It can be seen that she attaches great importance to Miss Ye, so she sent us to protect Miss Ye." The sarcasm hidden in Ye Qianyue's tone was completely inaudible, and the three of them thought that Ye Qianyue was I am very grateful to Yunina for saying that.

After all, Yunina is a goddess in the temple. In the eyes of the temple people and believers, Yunina is like a fairy.

Such a person, who sent someone to protect him so hard, would be grateful to Dade.

However, Ye Qianyue was very disdainful and very annoyed.

Younina even sent people to monitor her, and said such high-sounding words, it's really disgusting.

"My God, this woman is actually a friend of Goddess!"

"It's such a blessing to be able to make the Goddess pay such attention to her!"

"No, it's really enviable. Sure enough, the goddess is gentle and kind, and she can't see her friend being wronged..."

Hearing the praise of the believers around Younina and the envy of herself, the smile on the corner of Ye Qianyue's mouth became colder and colder.

"Go back and thank the Goddess for my kindness. I am capable enough to protect myself, so that the Goddess doesn't have to worry about it." After saying this lightly, Ye Qianyue couldn't see any gratitude on her face. color.

"Miss Ye, you are welcome. This is our mission, and we will definitely protect you." After saying this, the three of them quickly dispersed, regardless of Liu Yasuo who was lying on the ground, and then hid In the crowd, disappeared.

Glancing at Liu Yasuo who was seriously injured by a punch on the ground, Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes, "Let's go back."

She has long known that Younina is a repulsive woman, so no matter what Younina does, she will not be surprised.

"Do you need me to deal with those three people?" There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, but when Si Linyuan spoke, there were bursts of cold dark lights in his eyes.

"It's just three annoying flies, let them go." Looking straight ahead, the corner of Ye Qianyue's bright red lips curled into a bloodthirsty sneer, "Besides, if you kill these three people, Younina will send them out." More people, until she is sure that I am loyal to her, she will not relax her surveillance of me."

"Sure enough, she is a woman with a double appearance." Xiao Hei snorted coldly, with a very disdainful tone.

"This is just the beginning, and there will be more disgusting things in the future." After speaking, the three of Ye Qianyue returned to the inn.

Instead of directly refining the medicine, Ye Qianyue returned to her room, and first asked the waiter at the inn to fetch her a bucket of hot water.

She was tired from running around all the way, so she should also wash it well.

I was too happy to go to the beach yesterday, so I forgot about it, but today I can't delay any more.

Misty water vapor rolled out like smog, and then disappeared into the air. The hazy heat raised the temperature of the entire room.

Thoughtfully taking off her clothes, Ye Qianyue revealed her perfect body.

The hideous wound on the chest was also healed, because the best healing medicine was used, so there was no wound left.

Her snow-white skin, like creamy fat, has a little bit of pink, which is extraordinarily attractive.

The whole person sat in the bathtub, and Ye Qianyue relaxed and completely soaked herself in the hot water, and sighed in satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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