Chapter 356 Only Ye Qianyue Is Alone

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"It's just a mere human being who dares to be disrespectful to Ah Yue. It's really boring." He licked his furry paws coldly, and when Xiao Hei spoke, the surrounding space was instantly locked.

Everything happened extremely fast, the space was instantly locked, and the faces of the two men and a woman were filled with horrified expressions, and they looked at Xiao Hei, who was speaking in disbelief, in disbelief.

There was a little bit of chill in the golden vertical pupils, and the corners of Xiao Hei's mouth curled up. He was obviously just like a cat, but he seemed to be smiling, but the smile was full of stern awe-inspiring, one couldn't help but feel it. trembling.

"Spatial lock?! You, you are Nian Zun powerhouses!" Looking at Si Linyuan and Xiao Hei, the two men and one woman came back to their senses, and then screamed fiercely.

Respect the strong!Why would such a powerful person act as a small servant? !

I didn't dare to think about Ye Qianyue's strength for a while, the three of them almost regretted it! !
However, it is obviously too late to regret now.

"If you are just looking for trouble, I can spare your lives, but if you dare to be disrespectful to Ah Yue, you are doomed to die in my hands!" The lotus flower appeared in the hand.

The fiery red lotus quietly bloomed in the air, seemingly harmless, but the invisible force crushed the air, shattered the space, and was surrounded by space cracks like a fine net!

The pitch-black space crack made one's scalp tingle, and even made the three of them scream.

The three of them were never given a chance to beg for mercy. After they insulted Ye Qianyue, Si Linyuan was destined not to spare the three of them!
Ye Qianyue is Si Linyuan's life!It's too late for his baby, these people dare to be so presumptuous to her!
Thinking of this, Si Linyuan is like a god, surrounded by the cold and arrogant aura unique to the king, and the terrifying aura is suppressed like substance, making the three people uncontrollable, and they all knelt down with three "plops".

This is uncontrolled surrender, subconscious fear of the strong, definitely not something they can control!
Already in complete despair, the two men and a woman looked at the scarlet fire lotus with a dark crack and floated in front of them in an instant with pale faces.

The red fire lotus seemed harmless, but in the blink of an eye, it took the breath of the three of them.

The terrifying power rolled like a liquid, swallowing the bodies of the three of them in an instant, leaving no traces.

Truly leaving no trace, crushing in terms of absolute strength!

There was no expression on his face, and Si Linyuan's eyes were disdainful, so cold that no one could get close to him.

Except, Ye Qianyue...

Only when facing Ye Qianyue, would he remove the coldness on his face, and only open his heart to her, showing the most genuine smile.

Ye Qianyue seems to have a magical power, able to turn all his wariness and coldness into tenderness and affection.

He never thought that he would be so deeply involved, but Si Linyuan didn't resent his dependence on a single person, instead he couldn't help but curl his lips.

"Let's go, wait for Ah Yue." After saying this lightly, Si Linyuan directly broke through the space barrier, and walked towards the test tower like a normal person.

Naturally, they won't cling to Si Linyuan like they are clinging to Ye Qianyue. Xiao Hei and Si Linyuan both despise each other, and they keep their distance. One walks forward, the other walks behind, heading towards Ye Qianyue's direction. go.

 Hey, I promised to give my parents ten thousand updates, but the editor disagrees, and the concubine has nothing to do, so I apologize to everyone here, I am really sorry.

  However, there are still more recent updates than usual, at least 6 chapters per day, this chapter is an addition~
  As long as there are a lot of tickets and rewards every day, Feier will definitely add more! !So folks, get your strength together! !

  In addition, because Chapter 355 was ..crabbed just now, I was forced to helpless, so I had to repost it again, please forgive me~~
  I also hope that all the darlings don’t forget to vote for the concubine, give a reward, and leave a message~~~
  Love you, love you, your support is the biggest motivation for Feier!Come, let me see your love for me~~(?ω?)~
(End of this chapter)

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