The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 358 The baby after customs clearance?

Chapter 358 The baby after customs clearance?

Most of the people preparing for the test have already been here once or several times, and they are already very clear about these rules.

After a pause, Elder Qinghai took a deep breath, "The next thing is the most important point."

"You must have heard of the fifth floor of our test tower." Elder Qinghai said solemnly.

I hadn't heard of it before, Ye Qianyue quietly waited for the next words from Elder Qinghai.

"Since the establishment of our temple, no one has successfully passed the fifth pass." Speaking of this, the Qinghai old man said this, and there was an uproar below.

"I've also heard about this incident. It is rumored that the guardian of the fourth pass is very fierce and never allows anyone to enter the fifth pass. When the Lord Shenzi came to take the test, although he passed the fourth pass, Entered the fifth level, but failed to pass it smoothly."

"Even Lord Shenzi failed to pass, what a terrible level it must be!"


Ye Qianyue slightly squinted her eyes when she heard the sound of discussion in her ears.

"Although so far, only Lord Shenzi of our temple has successfully entered the fifth level, but I still want to tell you that as long as you can successfully pass the fifth level, the treasure that appears in the fifth level will belong to the passer. ..."

baby?What a precious good thing that can be regarded as a treasure by everyone in the temple?
Involuntarily becoming interested, Ye Qianyue, who had been silent all this time, took a step forward, "Dare to ask the elder, what kind of treasure is that?"

What Ye Qianyue wants is a real treasure. If when she comes out, the people of the temple tell her that the "baby" is to become the elder of the temple or some other position, she will really dislike it.

Although it is good to be a core figure from the beginning, it is too eye-catching and not conducive to her next actions.

Others might find the position of Temple Elder rare, but she wasn't interested.

It seems that he didn't expect someone to ask what kind of treasure so directly. Elder Qinghai was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a little embarrassment, "I don't know about this..."

Seeing Ye Qianyue frown, Elder Qinghai quickly explained, "Not only me, but no one in the entire temple knows what that treasure is."

"Why?" Ye Qianyue suddenly became curious about the baby.

"Because, that was the founder of the temple. When he built the test tower, he put in it himself. He only told the people in the temple that there was a treasure there, but he didn't say what it was. No one knows what that treasure is. However, the founder is the most supreme existence of our temple, and he will never deceive us."

In the end, the admiration on Elder Qinghai's face is obviously awe of the founder.

Seeing Elder Qinghai's Chen Ken look, Ye Qianyue lowered her head to cover the sneer on the corner of her mouth.

She doesn't worship the founder of the temple, but she is very interested in the treasure he left behind, Ye Qianyue...

Having explained everything thoroughly, Elder Qinghai ordered someone to open the gate of the test tower.

The thick snow-white door opened, looking extraordinarily solemn.

Walking into the test tower with other testers, Ye Qianyue felt her feet in a trance for a while, and when she came back to her senses, she was already standing on a huge arena.

(End of this chapter)

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