Chapter 369 What a Nice Little Girl

Strands of spiritual power like silk threads quickly enveloped Ye Qianyue's head, and then accompanied by a long howl, instantly condensed into a huge silver-white phoenix!
Although it was only a rough outline, this phoenix was majestic and majestic. His eyes were full of arrogance and contempt, and he stared at the old man over there coldly.

"You can actually summon your own spiritual origin. This little girl is really good..." The emerald eyes of the old man glowed with admiration, and he was obviously very surprised.

Every person with strong spiritual power has something called spiritual origin.

Most of the time, the spiritual source is ethereal and invisible, and only when the spiritual power of its master reaches a certain level, will it condense into a beast shape.

The monsters formed by the condensed spiritual origin of each person have different interpretations, and the more noble the monsters, the greater the future development space.

Seeing that what Ye Qianyue condensed turned out to be a phoenix, the old man narrowed his eyes lightly, "This girl, if she grows up in the future, it will be really not easy..."

And just when the old man was thinking this way, Ye Qianyue also opened those eyes suddenly.

The pitch-black eyes have been completely replaced by silver-white, and bursts of astonishing fire energy are faintly beating in them.

Knowing that the old man in front of her definitely possessed terrifying power, Ye Qianyue used her last hole card when she made a move!
Xiangye Qianyue now wants to rely on her own strength to condense her spiritual origin, but she can only support it for a minute at most.

But Ye Qianyue was lucky enough to get a skill for cultivating the source of spirit in Tianhuo City before. Although she still couldn't fully master the skill, she was able to rely on this skill to extend the time of summoning the source to about 3 minutes.

Although it looks inconspicuous, every minute and every second in the battle is enough to determine the outcome!

Thinking, Ye Qianyue quickly mobilized the fire energy in her body.

Only by relying on spiritual power can never defeat the old man, Ye Qianyue must integrate her own spiritual power and fire energy to be able to defeat the old man.

If it was an ordinary person, it would certainly not be possible to achieve the fusion of energy and spiritual power, but Ye Qianyue is a pharmacist, and such fusion is what she is best at!

Thinking about it, two flaming flames rose from Ye Qianyue's silver-white eyes, releasing a scorching temperature.

The surrounding temperature rose accordingly, causing the old man's eyes to widen in surprise, quietly waiting for Ye Qianyue's next move.

I saw Ye Qianyue opened her mouth and bit the tip of her tongue fiercely, and then shot out a stream of essence and blood containing thick fire energy, hitting the Phoenix.

"Jie—!" The originally silver-white body was suddenly covered with a thick layer of fiery red smoke. With this stream of blood essence, Phoenix's body became more solid and looked even more mighty!

"Go!" Pointing in the direction of the old man, Ye Qianyue's face was already pale.

Although with the help of skills, Ye Qianyue's consumption of condensing the essence of the spirit is very huge!
But compared with the powerful consumption, the attack of the spiritual origin is also more powerful than the ordinary spiritual attack! !

Following Ye Qianyue's will, the gigantic and magnificent phoenix shook its wings, instantly setting off a terrifying spiritual storm.

The storm swept out, blowing the long snow-white hair behind the old man into the air.

 There will be another chapter update later~~
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(End of this chapter)

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