Chapter 372 Hi~ Good morning!

Thinking of this, a look of doubt appeared in the old man's eyes.

If Ye Qianyue is not a member of the dark demon, then why does she have the aura of the dark demon on her body...?
I was very puzzled in my heart, but the old man didn't have time to think so much at the moment.

Seeing Jitian Nine-Headed Phoenix smashing towards him, the old man's expression froze, and he immediately raised his hand with all his strength and pushed the Bai Ze divine beast out.

Immediately, the two collided, and immediately aroused a terrifying storm that made people tremble! !

The huge wind whizzed past, directly shattering the space where it passed, and fine cracks like spider webs quickly spread in the air!

Seeing the storm sweeping towards her, Ye Qianyue no longer had the strength to avoid the storm.

The blow just now had exhausted all her strength...

A dull pain several times stronger than before came, causing Ye Qianyue's feet to shake, and she lost consciousness instantly.

"Oh, it's so messy!" At this time, the figure of the old man suddenly appeared beside Ye Qianyue, he carried her on his shoulders, and quickly retreated.

Quickly avoiding the mental storm, the old man couldn't help breaking out in a layer of cold sweat.

His complexion was a little pale, and the old man glanced at Ye Qianyue contemptuously, "What a scary little girl, she doesn't give herself any way out when she does things! If it weren't for this old man's soul space, the old man could only I just watched you die in front of me!"

As he said that, the old man took a deep breath with lingering fear, "There are not many people with such pure energy as you. If you just die like this, the old man will not suffer a lot!"

Completely in a coma, Ye Qianyue tightly closed her eyes, completely ignoring the old man's stinky and long complaint.


I don't know how long I rested, but Ye Qianyue woke up faintly, but her body was still tired.

Eyes are very heavy, Ye Qianyue really can't wait to sleep again.

However, Ye Qianyue is not stupid, she deeply knows that it is not time to sleep yet.

Thinking about it, Ye Qianyue gritted her teeth and opened her eyes abruptly.

The golden glow permeating the space was slightly dazzling, and Ye Qianyue's eyes swayed, and just when she was able to see things clearly, an old face was pasted on it all at once.

"Hi~ good morning!" A face was very close to Ye Qianyue, and the old man's face was full of smiles, as if he was very happy to see Ye Qianyue wake up.

However, in direct and inverse proportion to the old man's happiness, Ye Qianyue saw the old man's face suddenly lying in front of her eyes, her brows were raised like a scimitar, and then she punched out without thinking, ruthlessly It hit the old man's nose!
The punch was almost exhausted, and immediately the old man screamed, and the whole person jumped up.

"You! You girl is so cruel. You know I'm a soul body, but you still want to hit me with spiritual power!" The old man is a soul body, and ordinary physical attacks will not work against him unless it is used Spiritual power can cause some damage to him.

"I did it on purpose." Looking at the old man coldly, Ye Qianyue's tone was very bad, "You wanted to kill me just now, and I punched you back, but it's just a settlement."

Unlike just now, Ye Qianyue noticed that the old man at this moment no longer had any killing intent towards her.

 Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~! !Dear friends, don't forget to vote for the concubine!
  In addition, there will be an update tonight~~
(End of this chapter)

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