Chapter 374 Help the old man regain his body
"In the future? You really plan to trap me here." Ye Qianyue looked at the old man who killed Qiqi and said.

"It's not to keep you, but you want to take this old man away!" While speaking, the old man's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"I didn't promise you to do this." Ye Qianyue said lightly.

"Little girl, don't be so anxious to make a conclusion, it's not too late for you to speak after the old man has finished speaking." The old man who killed Qi smiled with a very confident look.

She was indeed very interested in the matter of killing the old man, Ye Qianyue nodded her agreement after thinking about it for a while.

Clearing his throat, the old man who killed Qiqi said, "This matter has to start thousands of years ago. At that time, the old man, in the plane above the Canghe Continent, can be said to be the most influential person in the world. Everyone knows, and it doesn't matter if the old man is strong, the key is that he is handsome! Don't you girls just like handsome guys like this old man, so at that time, the old man's lovers were all over the world, especially No. Lover number 11..."

"Stop talking nonsense, just get straight to the point." Looking at Shi Qi's narcissistic look, Ye Qianyue said coldly with black lines all over her hair.

"Okay, I'll tell you about the old man's love history when I have a chance in the future." Spreading his hands helplessly, the old man continued, "At that time, the old man was indeed powerful, but he was too high-profile, so he was given by the dark demon." Watching."

Speaking of this, the old man who killed the Seventh put away his cheerful look just now, and clenched his fists tightly under his sleeves, "Because the old man's attributes are special, so the dark demon set a trap for the old man, beat the old man He was seriously injured and took away the old man's body!"

With resentful rays of light dancing in his eyes, the old man who killed the Seventh continued coldly, "Then, when the old man heard about the treasure on the fifth floor of the test tower, he wanted to use that treasure to regain his body, but he was caught by the treasure instead." Injured, and then sealed here by the founder of the temple!"

Speaking of this, the old man who killed Qiqi let out a long breath, "In the end, I also underestimate the enemy, otherwise, I wouldn't be taken advantage of by that dark demon!"

"You want me to break the seal on you and let you out?" Ye Qianyue understood it, and said immediately.

"Not only that." The old man who killed Qi looked at Ye Qianyue with a smile, and continued after a pause, "I know that you also have something to do with the dark demon, so I want you to bring me with you, and then help me Take back your body!"

"Take a step back, even if I am willing to take you out, how can you guarantee that your body has not been destroyed by the dark demon?" Ye Qianyue asked lightly.

Hearing this, the old man who killed Qi Qi smiled immediately, with a hint of arrogance in his eyes, "Little girl, you are too underestimating this old man. Back then, this old man was three points stronger than the Dark Demon, and he worked so hard just to How could the old man's body be destroyed so easily, although the old man doesn't know what he wants to do with the old man's body, but the old man can guarantee that the old man's body is still there!"

As he said that, the old man who killed the seventh covered the glint of light that flashed past his eyes, and looked at Ye Qianyue with a smile, "Little girl, nothing I said is a lie. As long as you are willing to help the old man, the old man is willing to stay in the Your body will help you out of danger at a critical moment!"

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(End of this chapter)

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