Chapter 376 Are You Lying To Me?

At the end, the old man who killed the Seventh even said with disgust, "The most important thing is that I am a pure man, so I don't want to be a woman!!"

"Okay, that's all." After finishing speaking, the old man who killed Qi Qi looked at Ye Qianyue, as if he was waiting for her answer.

Without answering immediately, Ye Qianyue continued to stare at the old man who killed the Seventh, "Is there anything else? The Son of God has also been here before, if you were really in such a hurry, why didn't you stay in his body?"

"Because of the baby on the fifth floor." Raising his hand and pointing upwards, the old man who killed the Seventh said with a smile, "So far, I only found that you might subdue the baby on the fifth floor, so I will choose you. "

"Do you still remember the inexplicable energy that appeared at the end when you and I were fighting?" asked the old man who killed the Seventh.

Hearing this, Ye Qianyue nodded, "I do remember, but that doesn't seem to be my power, and I tried it deliberately just now, but found that I can no longer use that power."

"Don't doubt it, that's your power. It's just unawakened energy." Looking at Ye Qianyue with a smile, the old man who killed Qi Qi asked with a smile, "Little girl, you should have heard that the plant system is divided into ten thousand There are two kinds of flowers and vines, right?"

"Yes, it's just that the Wanhua type is very rare." Ye Qianyue widened her eyes as she said that, "Could it be that the power I used just now is the Wanhua type?!"

"The Wanhua type is good, but your Wanhua type is even more special." Speaking of this, the old man who killed Qi Qi couldn't hide his envy, "That is the Wanhua type with a certain amount of pure power. Flower energy, only this kind of special energy can subdue the treasures on the fifth floor, and this kind of power is also the nemesis of the death energy used by dark demons!"

"But I already have the fire element, how can I have the energy of the ten thousand flower element at the same time? If it is an ordinary dual attribute, it is fine, the fire element and the wood element are the most incompatible. Once this energy is stimulated, I may not be able to suppress it, if the two energies run wild in my body, even if I don't die, I will become a useless person." Saying that, Ye Qianyue's eyes turned cold.

"What you said is indeed true. But you have to know that even if you don't intentionally stimulate the myriad of flowers in your body now, it will burst out one day. At that time, you are really doomed. Instead of waiting Before it explodes, why don't you control it first, and when this power gradually grows stronger in the future, not only will it not hurt you, but it will be used by you and become a great help for you."

Ye Qianyue's brows frowned at the words of the old man who killed the seven.

After thinking for a while, Ye Qianyue looked up at the old man who killed Qi Qi, "Is there anything you can do?"

"Actually, the old man is not sure, but as long as you can successfully subdue the baby on the fifth floor, it should help you isolate these two completely incompatible attributes so that they will not harm your body."

"What if I can't subdue that baby?" Ye Qianyue asked back.

"Then, there is only one dead end." The old man's tone of voice was very light, like floating clouds, which made people shudder!

Seriously looking at the calm smile of the old man who killed Qi Qi, Ye Qianyue looked disgusted, "Old man, you are not lying to me!"

"Hmph, who are you talking about, the old man is kind enough to help you, it's fine if you don't appreciate it, and you say that the old man is a liar!" Sure enough, he couldn't hold it anymore, the old man who killed Qi Qi said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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