Chapter 378 Huge Flower Tree
"I can't help you with the matter of subduing, you can only rely on yourself." After speaking, the old man's expression became serious, "Qianyue, you must remember that you must not back down, that baby Although it is powerful, it has been weakened after being suppressed for so long. With your ability, it is enough to subdue it. Moreover, you'd better use the energy of the Ten Thousand Flowers type to deal with it, it will be more effective than the fire type..."

"Why? That baby likes the energy of the Ten Thousand Flowers?" Ye Qianyue asked puzzled.

"The old man feels that it has been locked here for so long, and it must want to go out. Maybe it saw you using the energy of the Ten Thousand Flowers, so it would be willing to go with you!" The old man who killed the Seventh had a smirk on his face.

"You think that baby is as weird as you, isn't it?" Ye Qianyue asked in disgust, and looked down at her palm, "Besides, I still can't freely control this kind of energy."

"Sooner or later, don't be so anxious." After saying that, the old man who killed Qi Qi waved his hand accordingly.

A door appeared in front of Ye Qianyue in an instant, which led to the fifth floor.

"Go, I'm waiting for your good news!" With a bright smile on his face, the old man who killed the seventh raised his hand and slapped Ye Qianyue on the back.

"You old rascal! I can go by myself...!" After being slapped into the gate by the old man who killed Qi Qi, Ye Qianyue turned her head and glared at the old man who killed Qi Qi viciously, but saw the old man's expressionless face. Bow, it was obvious that she was photographed on purpose!

Now that it has been photographed, Ye Qianyue suppressed the dissatisfaction in her heart and watched the white light flash before her eyes vigilantly...

Both feet soon stepped on the ground, and before Ye Qianyue could open her eyes, a strong fragrance of flowers rushed over, making her nose itch and sneezed hard.

Rubbing her nose fiercely, Ye Qianyue stared at the scene in front of her, her eyes widened for a moment.

I saw the blue sky and white clouds in front of me, the breeze was blowing, and the ground was covered with colorful little flowers.

The breeze blows past, accompanied by a strong fragrance, the petals are flying all over the sky, making Ye Qianyue look into the distance involuntarily.

I saw a particularly magnificent flower tree in the entire huge space.

The flower tree in front of me is taller than Ye Qianyue has ever seen before. Not to mention the thick trunk, the top is in full bloom like a jellyfish. Numerous tree forks are covered with flowers no bigger than fingertips. The color of cherry blossoms is more like the petals of peach blossoms, and the stamens are transparent, like crystals, which are extremely moving.

Looking at the huge flower tree in front of her in amazement, Ye Qianyue watched the petals falling down from her forehead profusely, falling on her body, emitting a faint and moving fragrance.

The space in front of me is simply too beautiful, especially the huge flower tree in front of me, if it hadn't been for thousands of years, or even ten thousand years, it would never have grown so huge.

Even if she was amazed, it was only for a moment. Ye Qianyue quickly regained her composure, and the spiritual power between her brows emerged, alerting everything around her.

The sky, the earth, the breeze, everything is so just right.

The petals spun and fell, every angle, every arc, could not escape the spiritual power of Ye Qianyue.

(End of this chapter)

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