Chapter 387

There are indeed many female officers around Younina, but the personal female officers are not ordinary female officials. You only need to follow Younina's side all the time on weekdays, and you don't need to do any rough work. Said to be the most valuable among the female officers.

Usually this position is given to female officials who have been through for many years, but now the temple is an exception, which shows the importance attached to Ye Qianyue.

As for the envy of everyone, Ye Qianyue just nodded slightly, and then had no other reaction.

From the perspective of others, she was taken care of by the temple, but in fact, Younina deliberately kept her by her side because she was afraid that she would not be easy to control in the future, so that she could monitor her all the time.

Ye Qianyue is not afraid of Yunina's tricks if she sees it through.

After talking about everyone's duties, Younina announced the end, and then hurriedly came to Ye Qianyue's side.

"Qianyue, congratulations! From now on, you are my personal female officer, I am so happy." Younina looked happy, and quickly grabbed Ye Qianyue's hand, then With an intimate look, people who don't know think she really likes Ye Qianyue.

"I've always wanted to be by Goddess's side and 'loyalty' to Goddess." Ye Qianyue said, hiding the coldness that flashed in her eyes.

"You don't need to be so polite between us." Pulling Ye Qianyue's hand, Younina quickly said, "Qianyue, I have an unfeeling request, and I hope you can agree to it."

"My lord, please tell me."

"I've always been interested in the baby on the fifth floor. I wonder if you can borrow it from me? Don't worry, I know it's yours. I won't snatch yours. In a few days It will be returned to you." Yunina said with a smile.

If you really just look at it, it will take a few days.This Yunina is obviously here to grab something.

However, if you don't give it, Yunina will inevitably doubt her loyalty to her.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue smiled slowly, "Where is the Goddess, if you like it, Qianyue is willing to give the treasure directly to the Goddess."

"Qianyue, you really understand my thoughts." Younina's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she couldn't wait to say, "Then, give me the things quickly!"

Seeing Younina's impatient look, Ye Qianyue quickly took out a gem-like seventh-order magic core from the scepter space.

"Goddess, please look, this is the treasure." Ye Qianyue handed the magic core to Yunina, "This is a rare seventh-order magic core, such a good treasure, if I really can't bear to give other people's words, but Goddess takes such good care of me, so I have no choice but to give up."

Looking blankly at the magic core that Ye Qianyue handed over, the corner of Younina's mouth twitched fiercely, "The so-called baby is an ordinary magic core?!"

Although the seventh-order magic beast magic core is rare, it is not a precious thing at all to Yunina!

"Oh, Goddess, no matter what it is, it is a gift from the founder of the temple. If you say that, it is disrespectful to the founder." The voice was loud, and Ye Qianyue's words suddenly It has attracted many people's ideas.

 Ask for a ticket~ask for a ticket~ask for a ticket~~~
  Hahahaha, what I want is the pit goddess! ~
  I love you guys, please ask for tickets and rewards, there will be updates tonight~~~
(End of this chapter)

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