Chapter 389

Although she knew that the person who posted her had bad intentions, she still had to go there.

Now she wants to get news about the Fire Dragon Crystal as soon as possible. As the saying goes, if you don't enter the tiger's den, you can't get a tiger's cub. Ye Qianyue understands that the more dangerous the place, the more information it will have.

Thinking about it, Ye Qianyue put the post into her arms.

And at this moment, Killing Seven suddenly poked his head out of the scepter space, and then smirked at Ye Qianyue, "Hey, your old friend is here."

Hearing this, Ye Qianyue's eyes lit up immediately, and then she turned her head immediately.

Seeing Si Linyuan striding towards her, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes curved into a smile, and then stretched out a slap without hesitation, and slapped Shi Qi back into the ring, "Go back and wait." I'm not telling you not to come out."

"Forget righteousness at the sight of sex! You are so unkind woman!" Snorted coldly, after Shi Qi complained, he obediently did not come out again.

Just kidding, he doesn't want to see Ye Qianyue making out with each other, he is already old, but he can't stand these two showing affection in front of him!

But at this moment, Si Linyuan had already walked in front of Ye Qianyue, put his arms around her soft waist, closed the door with the other hand, and then bowed his head and kissed her.

It's not an overly strong kiss, just taste it, but it contains more tenderness.

After a light kiss, Si Linyuan hugged Ye Qianyue tightly, resting his forehead on her neck, caressing her lightly.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Si Linyuan's acting like a baby, Ye Qianyue was surprised, and couldn't help softening her tone.

"It's fine if we can't live together, why are the rooms so far apart..." His voice was muffled, Si Linyuan hadn't been with Ye Qianyue for a year before, but now he has the opportunity to be with Ye Qianyue He made out with each other, but he didn't expect that the people in the temple were so blind, separating him from Ye Qianyue's room by a long distance.

He thought he would be able to have a deep love with Ye Qianyue, but Si Linyuan never thought that he would have to walk for more than ten minutes to see his wife in the future.

Si Linyuan was very unhappy about this.

Thinking that Si Linyuan always looked arrogant and cold in front of others, but he would become so affectionate and clingy when he was in front of himself. Such a contrast made Ye Qianyue very happy.

Just as she would only show the coquettishness of a little woman in front of Si Linyuan, this side of the two of them can only be seen by each other.

And this just proves the strong affection and deep attachment between them.

"People in the temple pay the most attention to the so-called 'purity', especially around the goddess. Generally, men are not allowed to serve, so even if you pretend to be my bodyguard, you can't live too close to me." Ye Qianyue said With a smirk, he stared at Si Linyuan with a smile, "If I knew it earlier, I would have asked you to dress up as my maid and run around in a skirt. How nice it is."

"What's the matter?" Hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Si Linyuan immediately remembered the unbearable things in the past, "Only you, a little villain, can come up with such a way to trick me."

Having said that, Si Linyuan's eyes were full of doting, and he gently nodded Ye Qianyue's head.

"I think it's very good, you are very suitable for wearing a skirt, it looks very good in it." Ye Qianyue said with a smirk.

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  There will be an update in the evening~ Dear friends, please give your votes and rewards to my concubine~ I love you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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