Chapter 400 It's too capricious!
Unexpectedly, Huabao would germinate so quickly. Ye Qianyue was so happy that she scooped water from a spiritual spring on the side, and then irrigated Huabao's body.

She enjoyed shaking her body in the water, Huabao absorbed the water, and a little bud sprouted out directly.

Feeling fond of Huabao in her heart, Ye Qianyue gently stroked Huabao's buds, and said with a smile, "Huabao, I have something to ask you this time."

"Well, master, you can ask!" Hua Bao cheerfully wrapped Ye Qianyue's fingers and said with a smile.

"Do you remember that before me, there was another man who visited the fifth floor where you were?" Ye Qianyue asked.

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, the two pink leaves on the top of Huabao's tender bud suddenly drooped, "Master, why did you mention that annoying ghost all of a sudden?"

Hua Bao's voice sounded quite aggrieved, as if Qi Che had abused her.

"Why did he bully you?" Ye Qianyue rubbed Hua Bao's young leaves with her fingertips to comfort her.

After sobbing a few times aggrieved, Hua Bao finally said softly, "That person said he was tired after only playing with me for two rounds, and then he just squeezed the sign in his hand and left. I was left there by myself, I was so lonely, luckily my master brought me out, otherwise I don’t know how long I will stay there.”

Hearing this, the corners of Ye Qianyue's mouth twitched involuntarily, "You said, he left because he felt tired?!"

If this is true, then Qi Che is too capricious! !

"Yeah, I think he's very energetic, who would have thought that he would just leave after saying such a sentence, what a big villain!" Hua Bao still looked swollen.

Although she knew that Qi Che was a person who could do whatever she wanted, Ye Qianyue never thought that this guy would be so willful!
"Master, why are you suddenly interested in that villain?" Hua Bao was worried about Ye Qianyue's appearance, and said cautiously, "Master, you should not get too close to that villain, that villain is really annoying, But his strength is strong. Moreover, although he hides it very well, people still find that his aura is different from that of people on this plane."

"You mean...?" Ye Qianyue's eyes widened suddenly, and Ye Qianyue had some guesses in her heart.

"That scoundrel's aura is somewhat similar to mine. Anyway, he's definitely not from this continent." Hua Bao thought hard for a while, and then said swearingly.

"Huabao, so you came from another plane?" It was the first time communicating with Huabao, Ye Qianyue couldn't help but want to know more about her, "Then where did you come from? "

"Well, well... after such a long time, I, I have long forgotten." After saying this weakly, Huabao rubbed Ye Qianyue with the small leaf, "But it doesn't matter, anyway, I think Master, no matter where he came from, he will never leave in the future."

"Okay, then you have to grow up quickly. When you grow up, I will take you out to play." With a gentle light dancing in the dark eyes, Ye Qianyue continued with a smile, "There are interesting things outside. There are a lot of them, and you're sure to like them."

"Yeah!" Nodding happily, Hua Bao continued confidently, "Master, don't worry, I will grow up soon, and when I grow up, I will be able to protect Master well." At that time, even if that villain comes to bully me, I can protect the master and beat him to the ground!"


 Thank you for your rewards~ especially the one with 999 book coins~ I will blow you a big kiss (* ̄3 ̄)╭

  There are also babies who care about Feier's body, Feier can't reply one by one, so here is a unified thank you~~ Feier is fine~~ Babies don't worry~~
  Today's tickets are not as powerful as yesterday, dear friends, hurry up, if the total number of tickets exceeds 390 today, Feier will add another one tomorrow~~
(End of this chapter)

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