Chapter 402 Master, I Believe In You

At this time, Ye Qianyue had already developed a great interest in this map, and she must find an opportunity to collect all the map fragments in the future to see what shocking secrets are hidden in this map.

"Master, don't worry about this map for now, let me tell you what kind of people the Situ family is like." Hua Bao said with a sigh.

Ye Qianyue looked at Huabao, waiting for it to continue.

"The Situ family is a typical protector of weaknesses. Flaws must be reported. If someone hurts a member of the Situ family, then their family will issue a killing order to tear that person into pieces." Hua Bao said in a deep tone. It's the worst thing to worry about.

Now that its strength has not fully grown, it is afraid that if at this time, members of the Situ family come to hold Ye Qianyue accountable, then Ye Qianyue will really be in danger.

Sensing the worry in Hua Bao's tone, Ye Qianyue smiled slightly, looking very calm.

"Hua Bao, don't be afraid, I will protect myself. Now that the root of the disaster has been planted, I can only cover it up with soldiers. I am not that weak, and my life is not something that can be taken away by anyone who wants it." of."

If someone else said such a thing, Hua Bao would definitely laugh at him for being arrogant and reckless.

But hearing what Ye Qianyue said, Hua Bao was inexplicably relieved.

"Master, I believe in you." Huabao said word by word. Since it chose to follow Ye Qianyue, it has to believe in the strength of its master. Besides, it has never seen anyone with better talent than Ye Qianyue. people.

"Well, Hua Bao, you continue to recharge your energy first, and I'll go out first." After Ye Qianyue finished speaking, she gently kissed Hua Bao's small tender leaves.

"Alright, master, you should be more careful outside." Hua Bao said.

"En." Ye Qianyue nodded, and then walked out of the scepter space with a flash.

Seeing Ye Qianyue came out, Xiao Hei jumped onto her shoulders.

The speed was so fast that no one could react, Si Linyuan just wanted to stretch out his hand to pull Xiao Hei off, but noticed Ye Qianyue's serious expression.

"Ah Yue, how's the situation?" Si Linyuan asked softly, there was a bit of worry in his golden eyes, he rarely saw Ye Qianyue showing such a dignified look in front of him.

Shi Qi, who had been drifting outside, also saw Ye Qianyue's condensed expression, and immediately raised his eyebrows in surprise, it was the first time he saw this girl showing such an expression.

"There is nothing to worry about about Qi Che, but now something else happened." Ye Qianyue thought it would be better to tell Si Linyuan everything Huabao told him.

"What's the matter?" Si Linyuan, Shi Qi, and Xiao Hei asked in unison.

Walking to the table, Ye Qianyue poured herself a cup of tea and took a sip, then sat on a chair and told her about the situation of Situ's family in Lingyun Continent and the fragments of the map that Hua Bao had told her.

After hearing what Ye Qianyue said, Si Linyuan's eyes darkened a little, and his heart ached a little.

Back then, Ye Qianyue went to Skyfire City and Skyfire Forest in order to wake him up, and she must have encountered many dangers. No matter how tough she was, she was just a young girl. For him, she alone had to bear a lot.

This kind of Ye Qianyue made him cherish everything even if it was his life.

(End of this chapter)

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