Chapter 404 Is a Hot Potato
Hearing Shi Qi chattering so much, Ye Qianyue and Si Linyuan Ye were a little surprised.

Especially Ye Qianyue, she never imagined that such a big secret was hidden in the map she obtained by accident!

Thinking that the God of Heaven was a legendary god who created two planes at once, there must be something unimaginable in his tomb!

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue couldn't help becoming a little excited.

However, compared to Killing Seven's high spirits, Ye Qianyue quickly took two deep breaths and calmed down, "It's indeed good news that surprised me, but this map is still a big problem for me now. Hot potato."

While speaking, Ye Qianyue quickly took the map back.

Seeing that Ye Qianyue put away the map, Shi Qi was taken aback for a moment, and then came to his senses.

"That's true. If there are only people from Canghe Continent, that's fine, but there are also people from Lingyun Continent, who are also staring at these remnants." Killing Qi said this, and his brows could not help frowning, "If so As you said, the people of the Situ family must be eyeing you soon. At that time, even if you can defeat the people of the Situ family, as long as they release the news about Remnant Map casually, Ling Yun The major forces on the mainland will frantically send countless masters to encircle and suppress you until the map is taken away!"

The emerald-like eyes danced with a dignified light, and Shi Qi narrowed his eyes fiercely, "There is something about the tomb of the gods, which is enough to make all the strong crazy. Qianyue, you have to be prepared."

"If you haven't met it, forget it. But now that this remnant map has fallen into my hands, it is my destiny to have it, and I will never hand it over to anyone." Ye Qianyue clenched it Holding Si Linyuan's hand, with a smile on his face, he said softly, "It's not too urgent. After the dark demon is solved, we will have plenty of time to find other residual pictures."

"If people from the Situ family dare to come, I will tell them to go and never return." Si Linyuan said very seriously, with murderous intent dancing in his gilt eyes.

Now he has to devote a lot of energy to suppress the dark demon, so his strength is not as good as one-third of his previous strength. After he successfully solved the dark demon, he didn't care about the Situ family at all.

Knowing that Si Linyuan is also from Lingyun Continent, and his strength is not weak, Ye Qianyue naturally believes in him.

She clenched Si Linyuan's hand even more, Ye Qianyue quickly thought of something, turned to look at Xiao Hei, "Xiao Hei, I asked you to investigate about the Fire Dragon Crystal, what's the result? ?”

Because Xiao Hei is now in the form of a black cat, he can come and go more freely, so Ye Qianyue entrusted him with this task.

Hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Xiao Hei's small ears suddenly drooped, "The places I can go are the places where ordinary gods live, and there is no useful news."

"The Fire Dragon Crystal is the most important treasure in the temple. Ordinary people should not know where it is." Si Linyuan thought for a while, then looked at Ye Qianyue, "Ah Yue, you can find a way to see it." Once you see the goddess, see if you can get some news out of her mouth."

"Younina trusts me quite a bit now, so it shouldn't be a problem." Nodding in agreement with Si Linyuan's words, Ye Qianyue continued, "I'm going to see Younina tomorrow, and when the time comes, I will find a way to try Try it."

 Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, there will be an update later~~!

(End of this chapter)

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