Chapter 406 Makes Me So Disappointed
"Slaves dare not!" As Younina spoke, she only felt a slightly hot pain on her forehead, and her face turned pale with fright, "My lord, my lord, I know I was wrong, please, please Forgive the servant!"

I saw that a group of bewitching red flames appeared on Younina's forehead, drawn into a jade-like shape, faintly beating with strange light.

As if he didn't hear Jin Yaoling's begging for mercy, Jin Yaoling's eyes danced with amusement, and he gently raised his palm.

A demon red dark light danced in the transparent flame, and the air burned by the hot temperature was constantly distorted.

"Younina, it seems that you don't remember how powerful my Wuxuhuo is..." As Jin Yaoling spoke, the flame also twisted quickly, and then condensed into a single flame at a speed visible to the naked eye. Flame villain.

The villain is extraordinarily delicate, it looks like Younina!

It's just that the villain is a miniature version of Younina, but the gouyu on the forehead is not like an illusion, but really a piece of bewitching red jade.

"Back then, I cut off a piece of flesh and blood from my body, and that piece of flesh and blood was you. You had your own consciousness, so I raised you with Wuxuhuo, and gave you wisdom and beauty. I am so disappointed..." At this point, there was a hint of murderous intent in Jin Yaoling's words, "I gave you such a long time, but you haven't found the Fire Dragon Crystal, you are really a waste !"

If ordinary people heard this, they would definitely be extremely shocked!
In the temple, the Goddess, who is under one person and above ten thousand people, is not a real human being, but just a piece of waste meat cut off by Jin Raoling! !

Hearing what Jin Yaoling said, Younina lowered her head, deeply hiding the unwillingness in her eyes!

That's right, she's not human, she's just a rotten piece of Jin Rattle's body, but she also has her own consciousness!
She is now a high and mighty Goddess, no one will regard her as a piece of rotten meat, everyone worships her, she is a goddess in the temple, but when she returns to the Dark Demon, she is just a puppet, a powerless Rebel puppets!
Not because of anything else, just because she was raised by Wuxuhuo. The flame used by Jin Rattle can control a person's body and imprint a mark on it. This mark cannot be easily removed unless Jin Rattle takes the initiative Elimination!

And the imprint on Yunina's body is the piece of jade on her forehead! !
Knowing that Jin Yaoling will rely on the Fire Dragon Crystal to liberate the Dark Demon, Yunina also knows the location of the Fire Dragon Crystal, but she has not done it for a long time.

Because, once the action is taken, the temple that lost the fire dragon crystal will cease to exist. At that time, her incomparably noble status will also disappear into nothingness, and she will become that puppet at the mercy of others again!
She didn't want that, so she thought of a way!
As long as Gouyu's control is released, she will be a free body, and no one will care that she was just a piece of rotten meat!
Younina knew that besides letting Jin Yaoling take the initiative to release the control, as long as she killed her, she could also be free...

Not daring to expose her thoughts in front of Jin Rattle, Yunina pretended to be obedient and said, "The hostess redeemed her sins, and this servant already knows the location of the Fire Dragon Crystal. As long as I use the girl newly recruited by my servant, You can get the Fire Dragon Crystal."

(End of this chapter)

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