Chapter 416 Lend You My Power

Ye Qianyue finally breathed a sigh of relief after knowing that Huabao's condition was not uncomfortable.

"You, you almost scared me to death." Gently tapping the flower leaves of Huabao, Ye Qianyue said with a smile, "I know you really want to help me, but you are too young now, and you need to hurry up to help me." Grow up soon. Besides, as long as you are healthy and healthy, I don't mind these things, and you shouldn't care so much either. "

Saying that, Ye Qianyue also took out spring water from the Lingquan on one side and poured it on Huabao's body.

After hearing Ye Qianyue's comfort, Huabao shook her body, absorbed the spring water, and then quickly cheered up, saying, "Mother, although I can't help you now, I can lend you my strength!"

As he said that, Huabao quickly stretched out a vine, and before Ye Qianyue could react, he tapped her forehead with the vine.

I just felt a burst of incomparably pure power suddenly penetrated into my body, causing Ye Qianyue's body to shake violently.
Immediately afterwards, she felt a burning sting from the center of her brow, and Ye Qianyue came to the side of the Lingquan, looking at her own shadow reflected in the spring water.

The stinging pain disappeared, and Ye Qianyue's appearance was still extremely moving, but there was an extra blooming flower on her forehead.

The whole body of the flower is light pink, printed on Ye Qianyue's smooth forehead, making her already beautiful appearance a little more pure, combined with the coldness of her eyes, it is indescribably beautiful.

"Mother, although I don't have much power, I can maximize the energy of myriad flowers in my body, and I can also isolate the two kinds of energy in my body, so that they will not hurt my mother in turn. Dear!" As he spoke, Hua Bao shook his body happily, and continued, "I'm still young, so I can't help mother fight, so I can only protect mother in this way."

"Huabao, you are so good." Ye Qianyue was most worried that the fire energy in her body would corrode with the energy of the ten thousand flowers, so she never dared to fully stimulate the ten thousand flowers in her body. Department property.

Now that Hua Bao helped her solve this problem as soon as she made a move, it really made her very happy.

With Hua Bao's help, she can use these two energies without any scruples!
"Well, mother, as long as you like it... Huh, mother, I'm so tired, I need to sleep for a while, you, you have to work hard..." Having said that, Huabao has already dropped its flower bone, and let out a soft sigh. snoring.

Huabao is still young, in order to help her, she must have expended a lot of energy.

Thinking about it, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes showed a touch of tenderness, and she poured some water on Huabao before finally leaving.

Once out of the scepter space, Ye Qianyue told Si Linyuan and Xiao Hei the good news.

"Speaking of which, Ah Yue, doesn't your Ten Thousand Flowers energy have a special pure power? Logically speaking, dark demons should be most afraid of this kind of power." Si Linyuan looked at Ye Qianyue and said with a smile .

"Yes." Eyes and eyebrows were full of strong smiles, Ye Qianyue waved her hand lightly, and a burst of moving fragrance slowly wafted out.

The light pink energy is accompanied by countless petals, gently surrounding Ye Qianyue's body, surrounding her.

It was the first time that Ye Qianyue could freely control this kind of power. The corner of Ye Qianyue's mouth evoked a charming smile. With a slight movement of her mind, the petals danced along with it, making her like a fairy who fell into the dust. Both Linyuan and Xiaohei were in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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