Chapter 428 Could it be Xiaoyue?
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"Meow——!" But at this moment, Xiao Hei screamed sharply, with a strong hostility in his voice.

"Oh my god, this cat looks so scary!" At first I thought Xiao Hei was cute, but when the female mercenary saw Xiao Hei's angry look, her eyes trembled, and she hid behind the other mercenaries in fear , only showing a little head, looking at Xiao Hei anxiously, afraid that it will rush up in the next second and scratch her delicate little face.

"Hahahaha, Xiuling, you are so cowardly, aren't you just a kitten..." The mercenary beside him looked at Xiuling and was about to comfort her, but suddenly felt a bloodthirsty gaze on him His body made him tremble subconsciously, and then it was difficult to control the fear in his heart, and he knelt down in front of the owner of the line of sight with a 'plop'.

Unexpectedly, everyone was astonished, and looked at the owner of the line of sight in surprise.

"This is not a place to make fun of. If you are not serious, just quit. Don't drag us down instead." Si Linyuan's tone was extremely cold, and he said such a sentence word by word, making no one refute. There was no room for him to shiver under the terrifying arrogance surrounding him.

"My lord, we dare not..." Feeling that Si Linyuan's gaze was like a sharp cold knife, almost cutting him open, the mercenary was so frightened that he could speak incoherently, begging.

Hearing this, Si Linyuan showed mercy and averted his gaze.

With a sudden breath of relief, the mercenary seemed to have been sucked away from all his strength, his whole body was as soft as a puddle of mud, and he finally stood up after being supported for a long time.

"Let's go, don't waste any more time." That's what Ye Qianyue said after seeing that the surrounding miasma had condensed and stopped floating.

Where dare to have any opinions, everyone present nodded in horror, for fear of making these two angry again.

Quickly pulling down the mental barrier, Ye Qianyue picked up Xiao Hei and rushed out with Si Linyuan at a high speed.

"Everyone builds a barrier to protect themselves, don't be careless!" Seeing Ye Qianyue took a step first, Nalan Rongze turned his head to remind everyone, and then quickly followed with his toes touching the ground .

A group of people became the first to rush out among the remaining big forces, and attracted the attention of many people for a while.

"Look, the leading lady in the red dress is really beautiful!"

I don't know who said this, and he ordered a man standing at the front of the line to look in the direction Ye Qianyue left.

"The red dress...? Could it be Xiaoyue?" Asked this question to himself, the man's slender black eyes swept across, but he couldn't find the figure of Ye Qianyue that everyone was talking about.

After searching all over to no avail, the man lowered his eyes, thinking that it might just be a similar person.Then he quickly commanded the team he was in, and also marched towards the forest.

With Ye Qianyue and his party leading the charge, people from other forces also took the potion that could resist the miasma, and then quickly rushed towards the ruins deep in the forest.

The sound of 'swish, swish, swish' kept ringing, and the miasma was more like mist, covering everyone's body, and then condensed on everyone's hair and eyebrows, soaking their clothes.

"This miasma is weird!" Everyone built a mind barrier, but the miasma easily passed through the barrier, and then condensed into water vapor, covering them.

 Ask for a ticket~ Today's ticket is over 200, Feier will increase it tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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